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Former Diocese principal charged with $150,000 theft

Published March 28. 2019 03:43PM

Alerted by the Diocese of Allentown to financial irregularities at one of its schools, the Berks County District Attorney has filed criminal charges against the school’s former principal.

Thomas J. Murphy, former principal of St. Francis Academy, a regional elementary school in Bally, was charged with theft by deception, theft by failure to make required deposits, and conspiracy. Murphy’s wife, Ann Marie, was charged with receiving stolen property and conspiracy.

The Diocese noticed the irregularities during an internal audit in August 2018. It then performed a forensic audit, and turned the results of that audit over to the District Attorney in mid-September. The Diocese then removed Murphy as principal. The Diocese cooperated with civil authorities at all times during the investigation.

Murphy and his wife were charged with diverting approximately $150,000 of school money for their personal use.

Murphy also previously served as a Deacon at Most Blessed Sacrament Parish, Bally.

“Our financial audits are designed to ensure that the funds entrusted to us by parishioners, school parents and donors are used for the intended purpose,” said Mark E. Smith, Chief Financial Officer for the Diocese. He said the Diocese will pursue restitution.

Mr. Murphy,
Acts 20:28 Keep watch over yourselves and all the flock of which the Holy Spirit has made you overseers. Be shepherds of the church of God, which he bought with his own blood.
1 Timothy 3 speaks of the qualifications of a Deacon, but here's what God says to those who would cause others to walk away from His Church...
Matthew 18:6 “If anyone causes one of these little ones—those who believe in me—to stumble, it would be better for them to have a large millstone hung around their neck and to be drowned in the depths of the sea.

We do this thing called "church", but too often, we do it according to man's plans. God gave us His Holy Spirit to guide us. That Spirit is only available to those who truly believe. It's time you repent, and truly believe. This stuff, God Hates.
DO, what is with the vulgar language again and again? What you post here on a public forum is a reflection on you. All indications are that you don’t have any standards at all. You would be embarrassed of yourself if you had any standards. You are only making a jerk out of yourself with these continual insults. Is your life that bad? Don’t you have anything positive to do? Be better than a condescending little punk. Raise your standards. You owe dignity and respect to yourself, your family, your country, and your God. America is great. MAGA! Check out President Trump’s MI rally speech...awesome!

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