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Franklin resident asks officials to address spreading of human sludge

Published January 10. 2020 11:28AM

A Franklin Township man has asked township officials to monitor the spreading of human sludge.

Resident Andrew Loudon questioned supervisors on Monday about the sludge that is being spread along Grange and Fairyland roads.

“I just want to know where this whole thing’s going,” Loudon said. “Who’s regulating this?”

The property owner of both parcels has been spreading the sludge since the fall.

Board Chairman Jason Frey told Loudon that the state Department of Environmental Protection regulates it.

Supervisor Robin Cressley said that while he wasn’t sure when the property owner is going to spread the sludge again, he’ll keep an eye out for it.

Frey assured Loudon that he also wasn’t pleased with the sludge being spread.

“When they first came in, I made a couple of calls because I wasn’t happy with it either,” Frey said.

Cressley stressed that the township essentially has no control over the situation.

“DEP’s a higher authority than we are,” Cressley said. “They’re basically making the rules.”

Loudon said he understood, but would like something to be done about driving on the township roads after leaving the fields.

“I’ll tell you what; the odor’s pretty bad,” he said. “I’d like to see maybe a Decon set up or maybe have someone from DEP there.”

Cressley noted they’ve been transporting the equipment from one field to another.

“There’s probably not a whole lot we can do, but (hopefully) we can keep it off our roads,” he said. “It (the odor) can really hang around for a few days.”

Supervisors said they plan to call DEP to express Loudon’s concerns concerning transporting from field to field and driving on township roadways.

"The odor is pretty bad." For goodness sakes people read the Truth about what is contained in treated Human Sludge. But that's ok, there is way too much from Sewer Plants, and we have to deal with that, and it has to go somewhere, and the rural country areas need fertilizer, and it has been approved by the DEP, and it must be safe, and of course they did use their own paid people to prove that... so its ok.
Not much we can do?
The DEP is out of control if they force communities to spread human sludge.
This could be the new organic!
Andy, You're being too kind the odor isn't pretty bad. It's horrible. It hangs around and two weeks later if it rains the odor is back. It has a smell like it's got something bad (unhealthy) in it. It is now where near that fresh country air with which you may be familiar. With a North wind and heavy air I bet it settles down along Pohopoco Creek.

ANYTHING planned at the Grange is RUINED if it's schedule coincides with the spread.

Like I said the stink is a weird horrible. There's no way they'll $400k for the house on Old Mill if the stink is rolling in.
For anyone really interested in the truth about Treated Sludge, just google Sierra Club & treated sludge..... a slew of articles will show up.
Or just google Treated will make your stomach churn.

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