Franklin Township supervisors
Franklin Township supervisors on Tuesday took the following action:
• Awarded a three-year contract to Waste Management in the amount of $9,040, for the collection of single stream recycling, pending paperwork. The company has 60 days to get it set up.
• Adopted a resolution setting the garbage collection rates for 2018. The rate will remain $225 for the year, with a discounted price of $215 if paid in February. The senior citizen and seasonal rates will also remain $160 for the year, or a discounted price of $150 if paid in February.
• Ratified the Teamsters contract with secretarial and clerical employees, effective Jan. 1, through Dec. 31, 2022.
• Presented outgoing Supervisor Rod Green with a plaque for his years of service on the board, and thanked him for his service. Green served as a township supervisor for 18 years.
• Announced the changes in the garbage collection pickup for the holidays: Monday will be changed to Tuesday and Jan. 1, will be changed to Jan. 2.
• Announced that Christmas trees can be disposed of at the Phifer Ice Dam Park using the Penn Street entrance beginning Dec. 31.
• Announced that the township’s reorganization meeting will be held at 4:30 p.m. Jan. 2, followed by the township’s regular monthly meeting at 5 p.m.