Franklin Township supervisors
Franklin Township supervisors also took the following action on Tuesday:
• Tabled a resolution to purchase shrubs/screening to be placed in the area of the township recycling center next to the township municipal building.
• Adopted a resolution in opposition to the House Bill 1620, The Wireless Infrastructure Deployment Bill.
• Agreed to advertise bids for 10,000 gallons of low-sulfur diesel fuel and 6,000 gallons of heating oil (more or less), and for 10,000 gallons (more or less) 87 Octane No/Lead Gasoline, At-The-Pump Price on Feb. 16, escalator clause in effect, with the bids for both to be opened at the Feb. 20 meeting.
• Renewed or transferred the Capital Building Reserve Fund CD from BB & T Investments — SAFRA National Bank of New York, NY Bank expiring on Jan. 19.
• Christmas trees may be disposed of at the Phifer’s Ice Dam Park at the Penn Street entrance by township residents only.
— Terry Ahner