Franklin Township supervisors took the following action on Tuesday:
• Tabled the lone solicitor Request for Proposal the township received from solicitor Thomas Nanovic until it has the chance to meet with him.
• Agreed to seek information regarding a mono pole cell tower.
• Granted PSI Pumping Solutions a time extension to complete the State Road pump station repair project until Jan. 31.
• Agreed to decrease the letter of credit for Blue Mountain Machine from $115,624 to $4,235 ($111,389 can be released to the developer) per the recommendation from township engineer Greg Haas.
• Accepted the resignation of Matthew Neeb as chairman of the township’s planning commission, effective Dec. 10. Neeb has relocated.
• Agreed to consider a resolution on behalf of Roy Christman of Fair Districts PA in support of fair legislative districts. Fair Districts PA is a nonpartisan organization to end gerrymandering within the commonwealth, and its goal is to get the townships and boroughs in Carbon County, along with other counties, to adopt a resolution to stop gerrymandering.
• Adopted an ordinance requiring certain structures to have a key lock box installed on the exterior of the structure to aid the Franklin Township Volunteer Fire Company in gaining access to the structure when responding to emergency calls.
• Tabled a motion to approve officer Christopher Lekka to participate in a one-week training class for accident investigations from Jan. 13-17. There is no fee, and training is offered through the state police.
• Agreed to apply for a stocking permit from the Commonwealth of Pennsylvania Fish and Boat Commission for Triploid Grass Carp to be placed in the pond located at the Phifer’s Ice Dam Park.
• Changed the township’s Working Compensation from State Worker’s Insurance Fund to AmTrust North America, beginning Jan. 1.
• Announced that Christmas trees can be disposed of at the Phifer Ice Dam Park using the Penn Street entrance beginning Dec. 28.
• Announced that there will be changes in garbage collection pickup for Christmas and New Year’s Day, with the Dec. 25 collection to be held on Dec. 26, and the Jan. 1 collection to be held on Jan. 2.
• Announced that the board’s reorganization meeting will be held at 5:30 p.m. Jan. 6, with the regular monthly meeting to follow at 6 p.m.
— Terry Ahner