Franklin Township supervisors took the following action on Tuesday:
• Appointed Tracy Herman as an alternate zoning officer.
• Approved the request from the Pohopoco Rod and Gun Club to hold the ninth annual Youth Fishing Day from 9 a.m. to 1 p.m. May 19.
• Approved the request from the Franklin Township Lions Club to hold their annual “Kids Fishing Contest” at Phifer’s Ice Dam on May 11, and to close public fishing (just the large dam) for 30 days from May 11-June 10.
• Agreed to rebid for 10,000 gallons of low sulfur diesel fuel, and 6,000 gallons of heating oil. Prices are to be in effect on March 15, escalator clause in effect.
• Agreed to rebid for 10,000 gallons of 87 Octane No/Lead Gasoline At-the Pump. The bid opening will take place at the township’s March 19 meeting. At-the-Pump prices in effect on March 15, escalator clause in effect.
• Approved the Agility Agreement with the state Department of Transportation, retroactive from Feb. 1.
• Reminded residents to not plow/shovel snow onto township roadways.
• Announced that the township’s recycling event will be held from 9 a.m. to noon June 8, and is for township residents only.
— Terry Ahner