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Gearing Up for Kindergarten programs planned

Published February 07. 2020 01:23PM

Lehigh Carbon Community College, the SHINE Afterschool Program and the United Way of the Greater Lehigh Valley want to make the transition from preschool to kindergarten a little easier for children.

That’s why the groups are hosting two Gearing Up for Kindergarten boot camps over the next few months.

The six-week program is a parent involvement and school readiness program for both parents and children ages 4 or 5 or who will be entering kindergarten in the fall of 2020. All families who live in Carbon County are invited to these free sessions.

Session one will be held from 6 to 8 p.m. on Feb. 20 and 27, as well as March 5, 12, 19 and 26 with snow dates set for April 2 and 16. Session two will be held from 6 to 8 p.m. April 23 and 30, as well as May 7, 14, 21 and 28.

The sessions will be held at the Jim Thorpe School District administration building, 410 Center Ave., Jim Thorpe.

Topics that will be covered include helping a child explore science, sensory development, motor skills, group participation, reading activities and math.

Parents will learn about school readiness, temperament, early literacy and math, parenting tools, social and emotional development, nutrition safety and a parents’ role for school success.

In addition to the sessions, participants will also be offered six personal home visits to concentrate on skills that are needed for kindergarten.

To register for the kindergarten boot camp or for more information, call Carbon County Right From The Start 570-249-8560.

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