Golf, tennis added to CYO activities
Two new sports are being added to the list of District 5 Catholic Youth Organization activities.
Golf and tennis are being implemented with intramurals set this year and actual competition anticipated for next year.
Phil Liszka, District 5 CYO Commissioner, said seven individuals have signed up for the tennis program and more than 20 are involved in golf.
The tennis is being coached by Joe Zarilla, who is also the head tennis coach for Lehighton Area High School’s varsity team. He is being assisted in the CYO by Sydney Schafer, a Lehighton Area High School graduate.
An exhibition event was held recently at the Tamaqua High School tennis courts.
Liszka said new tennis courts are expected to be constructed within the Lehighton Area School District and he is hoping they can be used for events next year.
He said if the courts aren’t completed or aren’t available, the competition would be held at the Tamaqua courts.
The golf instructor is Rick Reaman of Nesquehoning. The lessons are being given at Woodstone Country Club in Danielsville.
“They are learning the game of tennis and learning the game of golf before going into competition,” Liszka said.
The golf and tennis programs are being coordinated by Liszka and Amy Day.
Liszka said the golf and tennis is being added to the present list of activities the CYO sponsors, including girls volleyball, boys and girls basketball, spelling bee, academic bowl, and arts, crafts and photograpy.