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A heartwarming fire is all we need

Published November 01. 2019 12:24PM

Politics are a painful subject. We refuse to cast judgments of those we think are on our side. We even make up wild, illogical excuses. The excellent neighbor we endorsed isn’t self-serving or crooked when given power. We provide them with a pass. If they made a series of selfish mistakes, we’d say prove it. It is as if the challenge was upon us and not the public official.

Good evidence and sound arguments don’t apply to politics as a matter of principle. Logic is only used to teach science, like in a storm’s direction. And the proof isn’t needed as the scientific foundations are already there, the speed of sound and light. Once explained, it is nearly impossible to unlearn.

The re-election of incumbents is upward of 90% guaranteed. Proof that emotional fear drives us; we re-elect evil, and complain about government. An analogy is the cold, deadly fireplace. Take a warm fire, it provides visual and emotional comfort. The warmth, the beauty, the smell; a fire fills a room with the family. Yet, a fire in an open hearth create a draft, the smoke is not healthy. It is an illusion. My point, the smarter you are, the less the science, facts and health consequences matter to you. We like fire. Emotional people ignore the facts, regardless of the circumstances. Do you think or know power corrupts?

Did your favorite Lehighton Area School District director take official actions that lacked common sense? Will the laundry list of bad decisions guide you to an emotional vote to support them? Was it moral to place debt placed on our children and their children? Raise the budget and raise taxes. Staff or homeowners, who have the greater influence? Do we care? Should we take away the power? Write in a new team. Write in Barb Bowes, Byron Schnell and Kerry L. Sittler.


Citizen David F. Bradley Sr.


Joe, great question and I will take your baited request. Will you be honest with my evaluation? Or will you defend immorality? Will you defend any level of illegal activities you find as acceptable to you?

Please read these as background:
PA School Code Retention of Records.
PA School Code Illegal use of School Funds, and the Oath of Office
PA Sunshine Act
PA Right to Know Law

The problem, Joe, is the accountability of our public officials.

What if you witness first hand, a driver running a red light, or a politician violating the Sunshine Act, or a politician authorizing the use of school funds for activities not in accordance with the PA School Code. Did the driver or politician break the law? Was it illegal activity? Does a driver running a stop sign break the law? Are these all illegal activities?

What you seek Joe, appears to be evidence of enforcement.

And regrettably, our society has little to no enforcement for laws broken by politicians. Their abuses of authority or power are often not enforced. Like the loose enforcement of the speed limit on the turnpike between 6 am and 8 am, politicians going with the flow are often ignored..Politicians, especially good ole boys, are given great lattitude.

Be fair, did you read the laws above as I did. After reading them, I found it easy to conclude that the LASD board fails to meet the letter and intent of the laws. Can we, as citizens, allow our government officials to break the law? I trust you to accept that politicians should follow the law, letter and intent.

So are illegal activities actually illegal? Did the the LASD board break the law? You tell me.

There is a list an evidence collected concerning the activities of our evil and corrupt board members. You be the judge. Read the court papers, board minutes, official actions taken.

Now, is it our place as citizens to judge the actions of our elected officials? Damn straight it is. A civic duty of every American that respects freedom is to do just that.

Board members Larry Stern, Wayne Wentz and Rita Spinelli have corrupted the laws with their failures to protect the student and save the community. Laws require equal justice. If they failed to provide equal justice in their jurisdiction, the LASD board violated the rights of students and staff. An abuse of authority or a mistake? See the government's vulgar tweet incident. Abuse of authority, cronyism, or plausible deniability?

When the board members abdicated their elected authority they corrupt the system. The oath says to uphold the laws and act with fidelity. I find it a contradiction to uphold the law and use educational funds to challange the constitutionality of the law at the same time. You judge them, Joe. What do you think logically first, and then emotionally? Did they break the law?

Board members voted to use Educational funds and passed the King Spry Resolution. This resolution was referenced in Solicitor Schwab's invoice to the district as the SLAPP Matter. I could not find anywhere in PA School Code where it authorizes five board members to take educational funds and use them for this purpose. So I asked them how they squared this circle. No response. The law clearly states that every dollars spent needs to spent as part of the PA School Code. The code clearly states that any dollar spent not in accordance with the code is to be deamed as illegal. So you tell me. Can the district legally spend funds on matters not defined as legal in the PA School Code?

The accumulated list of immoral activities totals over thirty. The problem in the system is enforcement of the laws. Does the size of the waste or corruption matter? Why not just follow the laws? Why are the bills not reviewed to ensure lawful compliance?

So I ask you the age old question. When did 'Criminal A' commit a crime? Was it when they did the act, or is it when they were was charged, or when the jury of peers found them guilty, or at the end, after the end of all appeals? We lack judgement and enforcement, Joe.

So get back to me. I'd like you to act as the defense for these public official scum and prove to the public that they acted in a moral, legal and ethical manner. Pick even ONE from the list of thirty, and announce that you judged their action as being a moral action to your moral standard. Publish them, and let the jury of our peers decide as well.


Citizen David F. Bradley Sr.

Oh please. I ask for a list of crimes and you give me an example of a board exercising it's fiduciary responsibility by seeking legal representation against YOU! Wow that's not biased at all.
I checked, Directors do not have a fiduciary responibility to the district.
If they had, they would have had to use low interest bearing cash to pay off high interest debt before buying a stadium with the cash.

Add looking up PA School Code 426, and the Board President responsibilities.


Citizen David F. Bradley Sr.

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