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Hero of Texas shooting: Firearms not to blame, it’s a person issue

Published January 27. 2020 11:53AM

People outside of Texas might not readily recognize the names of Donna Campbell and Jack Wilson, but for hundreds of congregants of a church near Fort Worth, their life-saving deeds will never be forgotten.

Last September, Campbell, a physician who was elected a state senator in 2012, filed Senate Bill 535. The measure clarified an existing statute and allowed armed security guards and licensed handgun owners to bring guns into churches unless the church opposed them from doing so.

Campbell explained that the existing statute was “confusing and clunky” when it comes to clearly stating the rights of licensed Texans to carry on the premises of a church and that it was the legislature’s intent to treat churches in the same manner as other privately owned establishments in Texas. Seven states and D.C. require the permission of a church leader to conceal carry firearms in church, and in 41 states, carry in churches is treated the same as any other private property. Only Louisiana and Nebraska outright prohibit carrying into a church.

Texas law allows churches to prohibit firearms on the premises, as long as they notify the public through the proper channels. The Catholic Diocese of Fort Worth, for instance, prohibits firearms in its churches, schools and other facilities, but the diocese does use an enhanced security plan, ranging from electronic surveillance to staff and volunteers trained in proper security to hiring off-duty police and well-vetted and well trained lay individuals.

No one could have imagined the impact that Senate Bill 535 would have less than four months after being passed in the Texas legislature. On Dec. 29, 2019, a gunman entered the West Freeway Church of Christ and quickly killed two of the 240 people present. One victim, Deacon Anton “Tony” Wallace, was serving communion when he was shot. Wilson, head of the church security team and an expert with firearms, immediately responded by firing his own gun and eliminating the threat. The entire ordeal lasted six seconds.

Regardless of any law, the gunman, a former boxer with a criminal history in multiple states, would have stormed into the church, but had it not been for the new legislation, Wilson wouldn’t have been armed and been able to stop the shooter. Considering the gunman still had seven live rounds in his gun and more in his pocket, it’s likely that the carnage would have continued before law enforcement arrived.

Wilson has an extensive background. He spent six years in the Texas Army National Guard, 30 years in the Department of Defense, and for the past 21 years he’s been training people in his own academy on how to accurately use a firearm.

Later that day, Lt. Gov. Dan Patrick lauded the quick reactions of the church’s “well-trained” security team, calling their heroism “unparalleled.” And last week, Texas Gov. Greg Abbott awarded Wilson with the prestigious Governor’s Medal of Courage for his heroic actions.

President Trump also thanked Wilson for taking out the “crazed shooter” and preventing additional deaths.

“If it were not for the fact that there were people inside of the church that were both armed, and highly proficient in using their weapon, the end result would have been catastrophic,” Trump tweeted.

Wilson doesn’t consider himself a hero.

“My role is more of a protector for anyone who happens to be in the congregation,” he explained. “Evil exists in multiple facets all over the country, all over the world and we have to address that.”

Many on the left, including Democratic presidential candidate Michael Bloomberg, oppose armed civilians and believe that only police should carry guns. Immediately after the church shooting, Bloomberg admitted he wasn’t there and didn’t know the facts but opined that it’s the job of law enforcement to have guns and to decide when to shoot and that he opposes an average citizen carrying a gun in a crowded place.

Wilson disagrees, explaining that it’s not a firearms issue but the person behind the gun who’s either good or evil. He believes that preparation is key for those who decide to arm themselves.

“You have to be prepared at all times, at all places,” he said. “And that’s what I strive, that’s the way I teach, that’s the way I want people to understand if they are going to wear a firearm for personal protection for themselves, or family, or anyone else they need to be aware that it can happen anytime, anywhere.”

The Texas church shooting is real world. We now live in an environment where criminals charged with unlawful possession of a firearm have increased 23 percent.

The Texas church shooting shows that Americans are capable of maintaining a firearm and using it for their self-defense and defense of others.

It’s hypocritical that the same politicians we hear railing against the Second Amendment employ armed security for their own protection every day.

By Jim Zbick |

Name one politician who is advocating repeal of the 2nd amendment who personally employs armed security. Even so, most who do not support private gun ownership still believe that trained professional security with guns are necessary so this is just a stupid complaint.

Our country's gun obsession is the problem. Inviting guns into churches resulted in someone legally bringing a gun into a church and opening fire. IDK, perhaps a metal detector would be more effective.
I'm for gun control, the kind of control that can hit a crazed shooter in the head with one shot... from across the room. Stand up for 2A, and never compromise.
On that day, the crazed shooter had seven live rounds in his gun and three in his pocket.
Democrats, like Mike Bloomberg believe It’s the job of law enforcement to have guns, ten rounds or more would have been fired and many more dead, if Bloomberg had his way.
BTW, Bloomberg has spent $18 million on TV time to this point, in his "Old Rich White Man" approach at buying the White House.
Please show me where Mike Bloomberg says that only police should have guns.

The basis of his gun position is the repeal of PLCAA which is a capitalist/free market point of view. PLCAA is government involvement and partial control of an industry, something that anyone who opposes communism should be against. Nowhere in his platform does he say only police should have guns.
Bloomberg was speaking in Montomery, Alabama. There are plenty of video bits available. The guy wants to be the president and blatantly disregards our constitution! I don't trust people like Bloomberg to restrict the power granted them, based on their political platform. Politicians lie... ‘If You Like Your Plan, You Can Keep It’ (the lying Kenyan on ACA)
Ruling elites enjoy protection of a small army of armed guards, and care nothing of mine or your security.
I think it so sad that he'd stand in Montgomery, Alabama and announce such a hypocritical stance on self-defense and gun ownership. He is not only at odds with tens of millions of Americans, but at odds with the constitution.

A well regulated Militia, being necessary to the security of a free State, the right of the people to keep and bear Arms, shall not be infringed.
Yeah Mike, like the Militia in our Country, in the old days that killed Native Americans and the Black Slaves but never were involved in actual combat. You mean those cowards.
Those words are from our Constitution. I would never have had the ability to foresee such confusion. We were blessed with Founding Fathers who dwelt in Godly Wisdom, and formed this great nation. Why you folks want to kick it down goes beyond me too.
Ever read Jefferson's edition of the New Testament? You know that Jefferson rejected the virgin birth, miracles and resurrection right? He referred to these miracles as a "dunghill" and sought to strip out everything he thought were "artificial vestments" leaving only Jesus's moral teachings.

Is that the Godly wisdom you refer to?
He doesnt say only police should have guns, he says it’s the job of law enforcement to protect the public with deadly force. And that is a common position.
“It’s the job of law enforcement to carry guns that .kill. We just can’t “let” the average American have guns in a crowded place...gun control saves lives...”
Can't get any clearer than that!
Why do you fight against every thing I post? I don't make stuff up Joe.
When are you TN cowards going to post with your real name? Hiding behind fake names takes away any credibility of anything you post. You all hide behind your silly names like ANTIFA hides behind their mask, or the OWS and their Guy Fawkes mask. What are you hiding from?
You beat all Joe.
“But it’s the job of law enforcement to have guns and to decide when to shoot. You just do not want the average citizen carrying a gun in a crowded place.”

That’s the quote, not the one you took liberties with. There’s something called context too. The context is an argument against arming citizens to act in the place of law enforcement. The hero in the church was a paid Professional security person so obviously that church agrees with Bloomberg too.

Bloomberg also said this: “ I support the ban on assault weapons and I also support a longer waiting period to purchase a gun,"

Oh wait, that’s a trump quote. Mixed up my rich guys.

Trump has put forth more gun control measures than Obama, that’s a fact.

Again, we all should be in favor of repealing PLCAA. Doing so would eliminate the need for more laws. Let the gun companies face the consequences of producing a product that steals trillions from the taxpayers.
You are correct on quote. The truth is hard to find these days.
I can't agree with placing liability on an entire industry for damage resulted from criminal abuse of a legal system of arms regulation. We don't do that with Alcohol. Why do Democrats always go after guns? There's far more important issues that need immediate attention. Their too busy impeaching, aborting, taxing, and grabbing guns.
We don’t do that with alcohol? Baloney! Bars get sued all the time for serving intoxicated people who go on to drive drunk and harm someone. There have been several high profile class actions that were settled going after alcohol producers for marketing practices. This is how free markets correct themselves.

It’s a very important issue. We have close to 40,000 gun deaths a year, far more than any other 1st world country.
Erosion. Slowly picking away at private gun ownership is infringement.
Concern with the minds, and keep your mitts off the guns.
Why do Democrats run to guns as soon as they get any power?
Why do Democrats always want to increase power of the government?
Why do you throw in with gun grabbers?
Again, I’m not a democrat but please list all the ways the Obama administration infringed on gun rights.

Then list how the trump administration has infringed. I’ll get you started, bump stock ban and red flag.

My solution (and Bloomberg)is the better one, repeal PLCAA. It’s truly getting government out of the gun debate
Zbick loves to divide....Many on the left... "many on the left oppose armed civilians and believe that only police should carry guns." What a bunch of crock. Yes and the Right Wingers are the only patriots, have the highest moral authority, are perfect, never have adulterous affairs, never use undocumented workers, and are never wimpy legislature babies that sell their soul to a crazy man.
Check out the number of Dems or "I's in PA that have a license to carry a firearm.
No problem getting one in Carbon or Monroe.
My Church has security, and the doors are locked. That will not stop legal carriers from taking their pistol inside it.
People make the mistake of believing that every shooting has only one party to blame for it. Some put 100% on the shooter while some put 100% on the gun or gun laws. The reality is there are many to blame. In the Texas case, maybe it’s 90% the shooter and 10% the gun industry who made it easier to get more lethal weapons. That 10% is important though. The gun industry is allowed to flood the markets with weapons inappropriate for the home but they engage in advertising designed to convince people otherwise. They should be made to pay for this and cover their part instead of putting the whole bill on the taxpayer to pay. Repeal PLCAA and let the free market correct these gun companies
How is it the gun manufacture's fault? 10% Where'd you get that number? Get out of here with the repeal of PLCAA. It's a people issue, not a gun issue.
It's potentially both but each case is different and each should be decided by our judiciary. PLCAA stops that judicial review.

So you think the government should restrict people's rights to seek damages against hand chosen industries? We have courts to decide the merits of those cases and in no way should a government who claims to be capitalistic be interfering with the free market. PLCAA is the most communistic federal law we have on the books. I thought you were against communism?

If its a "people" issue only, what is being done to address this people issue? What do you propose be done? Lets try to have an intelligent conversation about this.
No response. Surely you are more than just a repeater if trump tweets and capable of discussion. I guess not
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