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How much more?

Published September 25. 2019 11:14AM

Well, it’s happened again. Now within 24 hours, two mass shootings. Again all we get is talk. Prayers and talk aren’t getting it. It’s time to do something. In fact, it’s past time to do something.

When they wrote the Second Amendment, we didn’t have these weapons. If we did it would have been different. Weapons of war have no place in civilian hands or on our streets. Stop the talk. Do something. Damn the politics and damn the Second Amendment.

If we have to elect people, we should make sure they’re going to do the job. Not worry about getting re-elected. Work to keep Americans SAFE and work to improve this country. Raise the age to purchase a gun. Have background checks. Keep weapons of war off the street.

This only makes sense. If they can’t do this, they don’t deserve our vote. People, use your head. What if it were your family member that was killed by some idiot? Damn the NRA.

I remain,

Robert (Ski) Siesputowski

Summit Hill

Take a deep breath and start talking reasonable, running off emotions is ill advised sir. I look at texting and driving in a far more serious way than how you look at gun violence.
According to Highway Safety Fatality Facts, there are 11 teen deaths every day without protests Robert. Cars aren't the killer anymore than the cell phone is. Do I cry out for confiscation of phones? Car?
As with the gun... it’s the person behind the wheel, phone, or gun. According to the National Safety Council 23 % of auto accidents are due to cell phones, translating into 1.6 million cell phone car crashes per year. How would my rant sound Robert?
My concern is seen daily by all who commute. Look at that driver next to you, you'll see.
Oh... I don't own a radio phone.
The key is social responsibility.
Auto deaths have dropped below gun deaths in the past couple of years. The rates, despite distraction, have been trending down for decades. Since you want to use cars as a comparison, lets have licenses for guns, registration of guns, mandatory insurance on guns, yearly inspection on guns, and mandatory safety features on guns. Lets also allow gun manufacturers to be just as exposed to litigation as the car manufacturers. Maybe then we will see the trend decrease like it has with auto deaths

Oh please, face the facts gentlemen. White men have maintained control, interpretation and enforcement of the constitution since the beginning. The interests of white male supremacy has taken priority over all others. It may take time but their will be expansion to others as more women get elected. The younger generation certainly has a different perspective on guns and gun violence.
Sounds to me like "Joe" now throws in with the racist and sexist Country Girl. By the way, what country are you all from? We have solid doctrine to which we ought abide by. The color of a persons skin, or their sex had nothing to do with the formation of this doctrine... STOP IT! If you want change? Move to that socialist controlled utopia, and leave our constitution alone. Fly away, give it a try, there's plenty of failing socialist/communist countries to choose from, if they let you in. You folks crack me up!
It’s the white males of low education(ie ham and eggers) who provide the votes to keep the lowest common denominators in office.

Why? Because white privilege is all they have going for them.
CG, I would encourage you to watch President Trump’s address concerning the elimination of sexual and religious persecution around the world. Trump called out the world to change their ways to allow women equal rights. This was the first time in history that a President stood up for the persecuted. This is why many millions of women support Trump. White male privilege is a fake scam to make someone a victim of their own mind.
Please see my comment below on that "White men" nonsense. Go talk to an Irishman on the subject of slavery. Talk face to face, and you'll see, the Irishman has white skin. You parrot terms of which not even you could define. Stop that please.
It’s concerning to me the knee jerk reaction is to punish the innocent and remove a legal right from law abiding people. After all, murder is already banned in all 50 states so why does it still occur ?
“Knee jerk”...are you serious? We have led the world in shootings for decades but renewed discussion of gun controls is knee jerk.
I agree Tony, It's a knee jerk response that is driven by an agenda to eliminate guns. Oh... but those elites (rulers) will be able to keep their guns, even be protected by well paid body guards, you betcha.
The key is social responsibility. The key is to focus on the person who even attempts to violate a gun law.
“What if it were your family member that was killed by some idiot?” Exactly, it is the idiot that kills, not the weapon. Apparently, Ski, you swerved into the truth. NRA members all advocate gun safety and responsibility. NRA members don’t kill people. It is mentally disturbed individuals with a long track record that always do this stuff. There are existing laws that are overlooked that allow nut-jobs to get guns. These “idiots “, as you say should not be allowed to hold a butter-knife, let alone a gun. Liberal overreactions and threats of gun confiscations are off based. If your neighbor gets a DUI, should they confiscate your car? Millions upon millions of law abiding citizens uphold and honor firearms laws every day. Criminals and nut-jobs don’t care about any laws at all. More people are killed in slip-and-fall bathtub accidents every year than by AR-15’s.
Semi-Automatic assault weapons are the gun of choice for horrific attacks. 67% of Americans support the ban of them including 1/2 of Republicans. It has nothing to do with your so called idiots. If that type of gun is banned, horrific attacks will diminish. Some people just cant understand that there are others besides the obsessive gun nuts that live in this country. It is 2019 so get a reality check. Not 1776 with Muskets.
Congresswoman Sheila Jackson Lee wants to require a license for bullets. Ignorant people should not create legislation. This is why someone steeped in the knowledge of weapons is wary of fools creating policy. CG, your reference to, “semi-automatic assault weapons” is such a revealing statement. Now, don’t have a hissy-fit and withdraw your post like you always do. You have been brainwashed against men by that fake white male privilege garbage. It is because of guns and the warriors that carried them in harms way that you are free today. Never forget that. You wouldn’t have any science credits at all CG, if it weren’t for those guys.
That term "White Privilege" is merely a weapon used to manipulate. That weapon needs to be banned.
Please define that term for me... Anybody?
The term gets thrown around... so define what it means. Hello?
Truth be told, all "peoples" have suffered. These (all) people found refuge and a way out of the suffrage here in America.
“White privilege” is a progressive's term of the college educators, one that’s in the process of being transformed into a social falsehood, or, myth.
Myths tend to infect the culture, and find way into public consciousness the same way that homosexual marriage, illegal “dreamers”, and victimized hoodlums have.
Stop this nonsense, it is destroying the very nation to which we all came to find refuge. I'll say the same as Mr. Meyers said... Move!
Joe, the so called “white privilege” allows someone who is weak to justify self-victimization in their own little mind. You can thank your lucky stars that warriors (of all races) carried weapons, which you are afraid of, into harms way, so that you can experience freedom to open your big mouth. I buried better men than you will ever be. You are so far off base that you might as well be from Mars. Your self imposed refusal to learn insures you stay on Mars. Perfect! Be sure to come back to vote for Trump in 2020.
As some of you live in your cushy little worlds, I ask you, how many dead
bodies have you seen.
Sadly it is a knee jerk reaction. When you remove Los Angeles, Chicago and New York gun crime statistics from crime reporting, the national average of gun crime shoots way down, pun intended. So far down the United States would be among the safest nations statistically. Sad truth is however the aforementioned cities have among the strictest gun laws on the books....
When Robert Francis “Beto” o’rourke says he wants to confiscate legally owned guns in mass from the majority law abiding American population, how is this NOT knee jerk ? How does this address the problem of mass shootings? Evil people hellbent on committing atrocities are not concerned with laws passed in legislative bodies.
Please see a video online from Penn & Tellers show “bullshit” on the second amendment. And as Mike mentioned let’s take a deep breath and focus on real solutions, and not violating the rights of peaceful people, because as I write this, millions of law abiding gun owners are NOt committing crimes as we speak....
Its one of the most studied and debated issue of our times and has been for decades. You have a different definition of knee jerk than I
That post is well written sir. Thank you for bringing sense to this board.
I may add, LA, NYC, and the "Windy City" are very strict on gun law because they are dark blue metro areas which have been under Democrat leadership for long enough to have this branding. Sorry for the Party Politics, but them's the facts... and yes Joe Biden, the truff too!
Yes law abiding citizens until they let go of their controlled rage and let loose. Angry white men in hiding, usually.
I see the article (letter) to be about enough with prayer and talk, do this, and do it NOW!
You see Joe, this is why we use that term, "knee Jerk". The writer implies NOW!
That's not how we legislate in this Democratic Represented Republic. After all Joe, that's what we have... If we can keep it. Are you at least on board with that?
I'm assuming that comment is sarcasm, because if you are serious, you just lost all credibility on this board.
BTW... look this up C-Girl...
Among white Americans, there are more guns, but there’s less crime. Among black Americans, there are fewer guns, but there’s more crime. Facts don't lie, unless you hang with Joe Biden... "we choose truth over facts".
Being that there is no gun registry, database or way of tracking gun ownership in the United States, your comment is just another made up “fact”
I thought we were taking about military semi automatic weapons. Yes I am familiar with black on black violence. They are out in the open every day protecting their drug areas which is obvious in making my point. Not in hiding. I find it such a paradox that so many white men are afraid of others when they run most of this country. Charlottesville, Pittsburg, Texas, Sandy Hook comes to mind of hidden anger until unleashed.
Wrong again CG. It’s precisely that I don’t live in a bubble that I know the facts that I do including black on black violence, but alas it’s not the issue, the issue is criminals ignoring the law and doing criminal things, like murder which as I mentioned before is illegal already yet it happens
CG, you are the racist bigot. You state, “They are out in the open every day protecting their drug areas.” Are you insinuating that all blacks get shot while dealing drugs? How about the countless kids that get shot while inside a house...some even in bed? How about kids outside playing? Your white male privilege garbage just justifies you own bigotry. Don’t get mad now and have a fit and remove your post like you always do. Unleash your own intellect. Put all of those science courses to good use. I would sincerely hope that if you can brag about all of the science courses you took, then you have the ability to learn.
Law abiding citizens until they are no longer law abiding and have used their weapons of mass destruction against the innocent. And....Again as Rambo turns my comments into his strange interpretation. Usual tactics here to muddle up the discussion. I have worked in a community
with a moderate amounts of blacks and never had a problem with them. Ever. End of my comments.
Right on Tony! Only good people with guns can protect people from bad people with guns. Criminals do not care about following laws. Nut jobs should be denied access to weapons.
Nut jobs who shouldn't and by law can't obtain guns, need to face prosecution when they attempt to circumvent the system to obtain a gun. You see Country Girl, they do not enforce the laws we already have. Now as for the writers comment on muskets? If the founders granted 2nd Amendment for hunting reasons only? Well they would have permitted bows and arrows only in that amendment. History tells, private citizens were allowed to own cannons, and many did. It was very common for private merchant ships (for example) to be equipped with cannons. They were called "armed merchantmen". The Founders were aware of advances in weapon design and did not wet themselves at the thought that citizens might possess them. So let's all settle down before you wet yourself.

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