Information sessions to be held about Values Into Action team
You know the feeling you may have when you walk through your door at the end of a long day.
Many people in Pennsylvania long for that feeling, that space to call their own. Unfortunately, the barriers that stand between a person and their forever home seem insurmountable at times. It can be difficult to find housing that is affordable, safe and manageable.
The Values Into Action team is here to help, thanks to a grant awarded by the Pennsylvania Developmental Disabilities Council.
In partnership with the council and Diane T. Myers & Associates Inc., Values Into Action is ready to assist individuals, families and service providers.
“We hope to encourage people who want to move out on their own to conquer any barriers standing in the way. Our team will guide people and their families in their search and application for housing, help them with obtaining housing subsidies, planning their move, and arriving, finally home,” said Marian Frattarola-Saulino, executive director, Values Into Action.
If you feel you or a family member are interested in learning more, an informational meeting will be held at 10 a.m. and 6 p.m. Wednesday at The Inn at Jim Thorpe, 24 Broadway, Jim Thorpe.
Please call 610-565-5177 or email to register.