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Inside looking out: Resolve with nature

Published June 08. 2018 08:35PM

I just got word from the Big Guy upstairs that all this rain is finally going to come to a stop.

It’s June.

Summer with all of her splendor will rise with the sun on the solstice, the longest day of the year.

Get ready. Get set. Let’s go!

Grab the fishing rod and rip a cast across the shimmering surface of the lake and hold on. Watch that bobber go under and wait for the breech of a bigmouth bass. Fight the good fight. Lift her into the boat; weigh her on the scale. Kiss her on the lips. (Well, you can pretend.) Then let her down gently into the water to swim another day.

Take off your shoes. Walk on the cool green grass and feel the energy of the earth penetrate through your feet until your whole body feels electric. Synchronize your body rhythms with the vibration of the earth. Let Mother Nature cleanse and heal you from head to foot. It’s called Earthing and it improves your immune system, too. Make sure you go barefootin’!

Go for a walk. Gaze at wildflowers on the side of the road. Look up and imagine an animal’s shape in the cloud above you. Take a turn and follow a trail into the woods. Breathe the exhilarating fresh air into your lungs. See a deer run through an open field. Listen to the gurgle of a distant waterfall. Stand on top of a big ol’ rock and shout, “Yes!” into the valley below.

Sit on a park bench with a good book. Sit in your backyard with a good book. Ride a bicycle even if you haven’t in many years. Don’t worry. It’s just like riding a bicycle.

Look up at the stars at night. Just don’t try to buy one for 59 bucks from that guy who’s selling stars on the radio. They give you a dot on a piece of paper and they say you it’s your star. It’s not your star. It was never their star to sell so it’s not your star to buy.

So look up on a clear night at those points of illumination and just wonder. Wonder about anything that’s at the very edge of your imagination. If you can think it, then it exists.

Jump on a swing. Yeah, that swing. There’s one around somewhere. See how high you can fly while the air blows through your hair, that’s if you have any. I dare you to jump off at full speed ahead. It’d be fun until you land feet first and if you don’t stick the landing, well it might not be so fun.

Make a fire circle and build a fire. All you need is a circle of good-sized rocks and some wood. Sit around the flames that lick the night sky. Listen to the creatures of the night sing their top 10 hit songs. Adore the warm glow of your significant other’s face. Roast marshmallows or s’mores with the kids. Do both.

Get up at daybreak and watch the sunrise over the horizon, truly a magical moment when time stands still. Listen to the sounds of songbirds singing their joyous welcome to a brand-new day. Ralph Waldo Emerson believed the highest of intellectual thought emerges in us when we emerge with the break of day. Open your mind to endless possibilities.

Watch the sun set. Pick the solstice day, June 21, when the sun drops down around 8:15 p.m. Appreciate the longest day of light, especially since we can’t forget those dark Decembers when the night rolls in around 4:30.

Sleep outside with the family. Go under a tent or do it au naturel. No, sleep without the tent, I didn’t mean sleep, you know. Tell ghost stories and legends of black bear attacks. No one’s going to sleep anyway, so you might as well scare the bug juice right out off them.

Find a place to call your peaceful haven. Sit between two white birch trees. Walk deep into a field of gold to a spot where you cannot be seen. Crawl up on a log near the rushing river current. Lie on the sandy beach at the lake at night where the sky’s magnificence takes your breath away.

Reflect on your life there. Perhaps you need to seek forgiveness from someone you hurt. Maybe you need to change something that’s not working. It could be here that it’s time to pronounce your eternal love to that special someone.

It’s June, the best 30 days of the year and Mother Nature is inviting you to her party inside her beautiful house that has 10,000 windows and not a single door. Come in and see her mystical show filled with incredible special effects that no movie or video game could ever match.

Drink in the purity of her spirit. Within the silence, sit back and you can listen to the voice in your soul.

Rich Strack can be reached at

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