Jim Thorpe adopts policy for borough events
Whether it’s spring, fall or summer, on a typical weekend in Jim Thorpe there are multiple events taking place for residents and tourists.
People organizing those events will now be required to notify borough officials two months before they plan to hold them.
Jim Thorpe Borough Council on Thursday adopted a new policy for events in the borough. The policy applies to events like church functions, Bible schools, races, runs, marathons and festivals.
The policy takes effect immediately, and will be posted on the borough website.
“We have to make sure we’re protecting our residents and we need insurance information,” said Maureen Sterner, Jim Thorpe borough manager.
Under the policy, the borough will require organizers to submit a contact person, address and phone number; the name, location, date and time of the event; a full description of the event and estimated attendance.
They will also need proof of comprehensive liability insurance for the event, naming the borough as an additional insured.
If vendors are participating, they must complete a transient retail permit application.
If the event is requesting barricades or road closures, the organizer must submit a request for action form.
If the event uses a borough street or borough property, the organizers must also indemnify the borough against any legal claims for injuries or property damage.
After the borough receives a request under the policy, they will vote whether to approve or reject, and if a police/public service contract is needed for the event.
Sterner said the organizers of annual events in the borough have already been providing this information in the time frame requested. She said the goal of the policy is to prevent borough staff from having to track down information at the last minute before events.