Jim Thorpe news
Church Day Camp
St. John’s Lutheran Church, North Street, will be hosting a Bear Creek Day Camp, from 6-8:30 p.m. July 23-27. Bear Creek Camp is inviting children to come, explore, celebrate and grow in God’s creation right at the church. If you wish more information or to register your child, call 570-325-3471
Clothing Drive
St. John’s Lutheran Church, South Avenue, is now collecting used, new and clean clothing for their annual clothing giveaway. Contact Mary or Tom Strohl, 570-325-2294, about dropping off your donations. The giveaway will take place in August. You may also call the church office, 570-325-4255 or Bonnie Hoffman, 610-554-3528.
Contact Ann Louise Hayes at 570-325-4435. Contact the Times News at 800-443-0377 or tneditor@tnonline.com.