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Jim Thorpe pauses on further readdressing

Published June 12. 2018 12:55PM

After readdressing homes in the Glen Onoko Estates development, several Jim Thorpe Borough Council members advocated pumping the brakes when it comes to doing the same in other areas of town.

Homes in Glen Onoko Estates were recently readdressed in part to make them easier to locate should emergency services be called to respond to a residence. In recent weeks, homeowners in the Leisureland area of the borough received letters from Jim Thorpe’s planning commission that a similar process was starting there.

During a council workshop Thursday, resident John Martino said nobody has ever had trouble finding his residence.

“I see no logical rationale for changing the addresses,” Martino said. “The numbers are in order. There are no other Onoko Lanes in Carbon County that I know of. It’s a pain to change your credit cards, insurance and everything that needs your address.”

Councilman President Greg Strubinger said the borough just recently began to hear feedback on the readdressing and planned to put a pause on the process.

Other members of council echoed his stance.

“I’m not in favor of doing any more,” Jay Miller said. “Our concern about the Estates was getting the green signing out there with the house numbers on so our emergency vehicles could find them. I’m not for going any further with this. There are some special situations like on Chipmunk Trail where we have two houses with the same address. That needs to be taken care of because it’s a safety concern.”

Other residents said the planning commission’s letter stated the readdressing in Lesiureland was being done in an effort for uniformity.

“If you’re going to be uniform then you almost have to change all of the West Broadway addresses to Broadway,” resident Mike Paulas said. “If you do that, I guarantee you’ll have more people at these meetings than you can shake a stick at.”

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