Jim Thorpe school board
The Jim Thorpe Area School District approved the following:
• A 2018-19 Title I Letter of Agreement between the Jim Thorpe Area School District and Schuylkill Intermediate Unit for provision of remedial reading and/or remedial math at any or all of seven nonpublic schools.
• A real estate tax refund of $2,054 that was the result of an assessment error.
• Resignation of Thomas Bold — Elementary Education Teacher (second grade).
• To post the position of elementary education teacher.
• Nicole Meader, elementary education teacher — $45,345.00
• Kerry Uher — Middle School English/Language Arts Teacher — $62,845.00.
• Accepted the resignation of Amy Serfass, secondary mathematics teacher. Approval was given to post the position of secondary mathematics teacher.
• Accepted the resignation of Thomas O’Rourke, paraprofessional.
• Tenure for Brandon Knapp. A teacher has to complete three years of employment and receive six satisfactory evaluations to qualify for tenure.
• The appointment of a liaison between Jim Thorpe Area School District and Berkheimer. Director Michael Principe suggested that the annual audit be made available online as a PDF.
— Linda Hurlburt