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JT, Carbon officials talk about parking problems

Published May 04. 2018 12:51PM

Parking is a known problem in downtown Jim Thorpe.

On Thursday, Jim Thorpe Borough Councilman John McGuire updated the Carbon County Commissioners on what the borough is doing with regard to the cramped parking situation in the business district, a popular tourist destination.

He said that a traffic parking study is currently in the works thanks to a NEPA grant, which is looking at the streets, available parking and traffic flow, in the hopes of finding alternative ways to alleviate the current situation.

McGuire added that the borough has also changed a portion of Broadway’s zoning district for anyone opening a new business.

“Why should people go to a zoning hearing if we will pass it anyway,” he said, adding that the borough realizes no new restaurant on Broadway would be able to meet the former requirement of one parking space for every two seats in the establishment. “That’s not going to happen there.”

In addition, the borough is working on an ordinance to create permit parking on West Broadway, ending at the Marion Hose Company, in an attempt to help the residents who live on West Broadway.

“Traffic in Jim Thorpe is tough, parking in Jim Thorpe is tough … maybe we can come up with something, thinking outside the box, to help the traffic,” McGuire said.

Commissioners’ Chairman Wayne Nothstein said that the parking situation is tough on local residents and tourists alike.

Borough Business Manager Maureen Sterner asked commissioners if they are considering adding multiple levels to a proposed parking garage on Susquehanna Street as part of the new county office building that will be constructed.

Nothstein said unfortunately, it is cost prohibitive given that the county was quoted $18,000 per parking space; as well as poses a security issue with the new office building. The lot has a projected 102 parking spaces.

McGuire said that anything the borough and county can do to find alternatives will be great for the future of the town and its residents.

Other business

In other Jim Thorpe matters, McGuire updated the county commissioners on the following items:

• There is going to be maintenance work occurring on the wall on Packer Hill next week. Flaggers will be in place, but he reminds motorists to slow down on that road.

• A tire and electronics recycling event for Jim Thorpe residents will take place from 7 to 11:30 a.m. on May 12 at the borough garage, 101 E. Ninth St. Borough residents must produce proof of residency.

• The borough planning commission is working on readdressing Leisureland and Glen Onoko Estates developments because homes were addressed using lot numbers, which is not how the state says it should be done. McGuire said it will help emergency service personnel.

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