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Judge fills contested Lehighton school board vacancy

Published March 12. 2018 05:50PM

Rita Spinelli will fill a vacant seat on the Lehighton Area school board.

Carbon County President Judge Roger Nanovic handed down an order on Monday appointing Spinelli to a two-year term as a school board director, ending in December 2019.

Eleven people applied to fill the position that was vacant because Gail Maholick was elected to a two-year and a four-year seat on the board last fall.

Maholick chose the four-year term, creating the vacancy.

Spinelli served on the board in 1990s. She did not run in the most recent municipal election last fall.

Other candidates for the vacancy included Francis Flickinger, Richard D. Beltz, David Krause, Duane Eidem, Gloria Bowman, Nathan Foeller, Autumn Frey, Walter Zlomsowitch, Frank Tamburri and RoniSue Ahner.

When the board tried to appoint a member, they deadlocked 4-4 on the appointment of Beltz Sr., whose son also serves on the school board.

Check out Tuesday’s edition of the Times News for a full story.

You need to check your facts. Rita Spinelli HAS served on the School Board before. And what about Walter Zlomsowitch who also petitioned?
How about for reporting some facts? Rita served on the Lehighton school board back in the 1990s when they closed the fairgrounds and built the new high school, she also voted to not put a cap on tax millages! once again the good old boys club took care of themselves!!!
Crying because your flips didn't get the majority? Typical backwoods commenters. Move on, nothing to see here but your tears. Probably still crying about Trump.
Yup it looks like the good ole boys network did it again! Why cant that judge appoint someone that was never on the board? Don't worry everyone the idiots oops I mean lasd board already won cause the new school almost finished , so now everyone EVERY election vote against EVERYONE that voted for this albatross ! I can almost hear those banjos playing in the distance......
I know you can hear the banjo playing, it's coming from your front porch. You stick with that good ole boy excuse. Actual facts may confuse you.
Nope they are coming from the bon fire in YOUR front yard with all those idiots on the board in attendance.

If you can read .... so now the judge has done it again . All of these building project were pushed through with a deciding voting person not being elected. We wont even get into stern and how he wormed his way back on........ But you wouldn't believe me even if I posted the link here for that!
Let’s spend more now.... Here comes the $250,000 tennis courts.

Yes I agree, let’s stick to facts and the facts are: they had the majority, so much so that one of their candidates won two seats. And flip the board was put into office to stop the reckless spending that has been going on for 30 years. Moreover, they care about the children whether you believe it or not.

No worries there is another election in 20 months. But in the meantime it will be business as usual spend spend spend

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