Lansford Legion Post Essay contest winners
Lansford Legion Post 123 recently held a Memorial Day essay contest for Grades 5-8 at Panther Valley and Saint Jerome Regional schools. Students were asked to write about the meaning of Memorial Day and why it is important to them. Faculty and staff from the schools chose the winners and they were presented with a certificate, a $25 Walmart gift card, a candy bar and a poppy.
ABOVE: Front row, Brooklyn Surotchak, Gregory Ruslavage, Tristan Willis and Post 123 First Vice Commander Christine LeClair. Back row, Richard “Monk” Pogwist, Post 123 Adjutant, and Skylin Simpson.
RIGHT: Post 123 First Vice Commander Christine LeClair, Isabella Boyer, Chloe Hiles, St. Jerome’s Principal Amy Hannis-Miskar, and Post 123 Adjutant Richard “Monk” Pogwist. Nora Snyder and Blaise Mullen, not shown, were also winners of the contest.