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Leap of Kindness: Extra day can be used to help others

Published February 27. 2020 12:50PM

Leap year only arrives every four years.

What will you be doing on Saturday?

The Carbon Chamber & Economic Development Corp. invites people to take this extra day to make a difference: celebrate #LeapOfKindnessDay 2020 by doing something kind for someone else and for your community.

Founded in 2016 by the Saratoga County Chamber of Commerce in New York, the #LeapOfKindness Day initiative is an international movement with more than 160 Chambers of Commerce in 40 states, Canada and Ireland currently participating.

In support of #LeapOfKindnessDay, the CCEDC is asking local nonprofit and community organizations to submit their monetary, time and material/supplies donation requests to be included on the CCEDC’s Leap Of Kindness Day webpage. Businesses can also feel free to send what they will be doing to celebrate the day in support of their community. Submission instructions can be found at:

If you would like to celebrate #LeapOfKindnessDay, it can be as simple as writing a thank-you note or paying for someone else’s meal or coffee. You can also show kindness and provide assistance in other ways.

Visit throughout the week for a list of their needs and initiatives. On this page, you can also find other great ideas to make the most of this special day of kindness.

On Saturday, be an inspiration to others to be kind and pay it forward. Join the nationwide community of people, who are bringing awareness to this day, by posting what you did to celebrate to social media and using #LeapOfKindnessDay.

If you would like to celebrate #LeapOfKindnessDay, it can be as simple as writing a thank-you note or paying for someone else’s meal or coffee. You can also show kindness and provide assistance in other ways.

Visit CCEDC’s #LeapOfKindnessDay webpage for a list of community needs and other ideas to make a difference on Feb. 29:

Some of the Carbon County nonprofit organizations that can use your help on Feb. 29 and throughout the year:

• Care Net of Carbon County is a Christ-centered community resource providing support to those facing pregnancy, and encouraging healthy choices in sexuality, relationships, and parenting. The organization is always in need of baby and family personal care items like baby shampoo, baby wash, shampoo, body wash, bar soap and deodorant; and family items like laundry detergent and postage stamps. Volunteers are needed for a 5K/Walk for Life, May 30 and churches, organizations and businesses to host baby bottle campaigns. Call 610-379-0411 or email for more information.

• Family Promise of Carbon County, 167 S. Third Street, Lehighton. Family Promise of Carbon County is seeking donations for the children and families experiencing homelessness that we serve. The organization is in need of underwear for all ages, personal care items, including; shampoo and conditioner; soap; baby wipes, shaving cream and razors; as well as general supplies such as toilet paper; paper towels, cleaning supplies, light bulbs, and batteries. Gift cards to purchase these items are also appreciated.

Donations can be dropped off at the Day Center, 167 S. Third St. in Lehighton or contact Krista Brown-Ly at 610-379-4757 or

• Turn To Us is in need of gas gift cards, restaurant gift cards, craft supplies, and volunteers.

Volunteers are also needed for the The Jim Thorpe Running Festival.

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