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Lehigh Township advances plans for maintenance building

Published March 29. 2018 12:30PM

Lehigh Township supervisors discussed plans for a maintenance building at the recent meeting.

Chip Hazard, building committee chairman, talked with Watkins Architects and a preliminary contract was written. When reviewed by Solicitor David Backenstoe, he found some wording that was a mistake and had to be corrected.

Hazard and others will meet with the architect and get an estimate for what the township wants. Watkins will give ideas and the township will say, “This is what we want.”

Supervisor Cindy Miller asked, “Do we really know what we want? When I see it we may have to make changes. For a $3.5 million building, where will we get the funding? We do not need a Cadillac.”

A resident said he did not want the committee to be upset if they come up with a $4 million to $5 million plan, because it has to be what the township can afford.

Supervisor Darryl Snover said it comes under the prevailing wage. “I am resigned to the fact we will pay more than we should,” he said.

Hazard has been working with Manager Alice Rehrig and they considered solar panels to cut the anticipated $1,700 a month in electricity costs. An 80 to 90 kilowatt system will be enough with an excess to go to the power company. It would cost $270,000, but if that is split over 12 years, it would cost $22,500.

Snover said that is not quick enough payback, but they should ask more about it.

The state may provide grants and low-interest loans.

Stormwater plan

Backenstoe said the Municipal Separate Storm Sewer System plan has been in place and it is required to be renewed. It implements pollution reduction in streams. Hanover Engineering has been working on a plan to control silt and sedimentation from going into the Lehigh River.

Street sweeping, infiltration and stream restoration are some ways it can be improved. The road crews can do a lot of the work. The numbers being thrown around are $500,000 over five years. Goals are arbitrary. After five years if goals are not met there will be a fine of $27,500 per day.

There are two methods of paying, with the easiest being to increase millage. The second and most fair would be to set fees dependent on the amount of impervious coverage.

The plan should be advertised and comments will be accepted for 30 days. There are to be no exceptions except for the state exempting itself. Impervious cover, such as roads, have to be taken care of by the townships.

Snover said he would like to sue the state for exempting itself, which pushed its share of the cost down to the township.

Miller said they should file a right-to-know petition to find out how the numbers were decided.

Superintendent Keith Hantz said they should ask neighboring townships to join.

Other business

• The meeting on April 10 will begin at 6 p.m. to consider a liquor license transfer to 4619 Lehigh Drive.

• An ordinance for adoption of a warehouse criteria was accepted.

• When Hanover tested roads for weight restrictions, it decided it would be better to mark roads “No trucks.”

Scott Fogel, police chief, said he preferred the weight restrictions. There is a lot of commerce on Cherryville Road. Miller said the township would have to pay double because Hanover was told to study for weight restrictions and will have to change its engineering to match the weight reductions.

Fogel said the shoulders on Cherryville Road are collapsing because of the many heavy trucks.

• Blue Mountain Quarter Midgets was allowed to increase the size of its structure from 10 by 12 feet to 24 by 30 feet. It is used for equipment storage.

• Lehigh was named first in the Lehigh Valley and 54 of 100 in the state as a safest city.

• An illicit discharge ordinance will be advertised.

• Blaine Holden resigned from the vacancy board. The opening will be advertised.

• A resolution was approved supporting a regional intelligence and investigation center to share police information. It was tabled for more information.

• Zoning should precede taking a plan to the planners, but some people prefer to go to the planners first and then have to go back to the planners after zoning gives its comments.

“We cannot stop them from going in the order they want,” Backenstoe said.

• Fogel said during the bad storm Tim Minnich was an incredible help in keeping things organized. He said there was good communication and only a few things that would have to be done differently.

• Police have been in the schools walking the halls.

• East Allen asked about forming a joint municipal comprehensive plan. Backenstoe said it would require changes to zoning.

• Public works needs new radios at $590 each with shoulder harnesses. Buying two was approved.

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