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Lehighton board debates RTK software to speed redaction process

Published February 02. 2019 06:51AM

An increase in Right To Know requests has put a back-and-forth debate over the purchase of redaction software into the spotlight in Lehighton Area School District.

Following another lengthy, and sometimes heated, conversation during Monday’s board meeting, the district’s governing body agreed to have its information technology and business departments begin looking into the use of redaction software. Any program the district would ultimately purchase would be used to weed out confidential information protected under the RTK law before documents are given to the public.

Monday’s discussion centered around whether to authorize a purchase right away, or do more research before deciding on a specific product.

A motion put on the agenda by director Gail Maholick called for the purchase of a redaction software license and necessary training for the district’s RTK officer.

According to an email attached to the item, the motion also authorized a monthly payment, if necessary to use the software. In her email, Maholick suggested Adobe Acrobat for a $180 initial cost, followed by $14.99 per month.

The motion failed by a 7-2 margin, with only Maholick and fellow director David Bradley Sr. voting in favor of it.

“I think the right way to do it would be to have the IT department and the business office take a look at this, come up with a recommendation and introduce it to the board that way,” board President Larry Stern said before the vote failed.

Bradley disagreed, distributing two performance audits of school districts in central Pennsylvania, in which he said state Auditor General Eugene DePasquale.

“In those audits, he expressly discusses the incredible savings a district would have if we got the software to do even a half or a third of the work that has to be done now to protect the privacy of our students and our staff from the human error of making a mistake,” Bradley said. “It also mentions the extensive milking of finances by a solicitor to review RTK requests that come with not having this software.”

Bradley filed an RTK for what totaled around 7,700 emails from district administrators last year.

In reversing an Office of Open Records decision which granted Bradley access to the unredacted emails, Carbon County Judge Roger Nanovic ruled the district did not have to turn the emails over due to lack of specificity in the request.

During testimony in that case, Lehighton RTK officer Melanie Windhorn estimated it would take three months of her doing nothing but reviewing the emails requested just to determine which pages would need redaction.

“If someone other than someone you know put this on the agenda, you would be all over it with the biggest stick in the world,” Stern told Bradley regarding the motion to purchase software. “All we are asking is for it to be refined so we can have the business office and IT department investigate and come up with a recommendation to implement redaction software for our RTK office.”

After the original motion failed, the board unanimously passed a measure to begin that process.

“You don’t go out and purchase something carte blanche,” Stern said. “Let’s have our departments introduce this to the board so they can see how the software works and how it will be implemented. I have no problem with that.”

According to the motion, the district is hoping to have a presentation or recommendation on the software within 90 days.

Sounds like an excellent compromise reached by the school board. This organization implemented characteristics of a healthy governing organization. The application of systemic prerequisites such as discussion, research, voting and reliance on district-level staff recommendations is commendable. I love to see democracy in action! Congratulations to the entire district family for their seamless transition to a new facility. Also, thank you for your continued efforts to control taxes yet successfully fund quality educational programming. Don't ever discount your strength as a governing organization that establishes a community normed baseline for appropriate student behavior!
Really! They had a problem with spending $180.00 plus small monthly fee for software but approved a study on the attitude of the residents in the district toward the Lehighton school system at an unspecified cost. So I guess it really does matter to some who puts forth the motion.
The motion itself, as presented on the agenda, stated purchasing redaction software. Nowhere in the motion was the cost or provider of the software mentioned. All that discussion over not approving it because of the documentation given for the motion was garbage. In the documentation provided it states that "I believe that Adobe Acrobat has such software for $180.00 and $14.99 a month, which would substantially reduce costs for Right To Kown Requests." It was given as an example not an endorsement to buy that particular software. Nowhere in the documentation or the actual motion does it state that particular software should be purchased. Think about that one long and hard.
I am glad they put a time limit on it. It took far too long for the IT Dept. to look into live streaming the board meetings.
They have no problem dropping 100 mil on a new building. How to these people get voted in public office. Buy the software you idiots. ThenBradley can get his emails and we can move on from it. Oh yeah I forgot if he gets those emails your all going to jail. But that won’t happen either cause you paid off the judge. Just disregard everything I said and keep ripping off the taxpayers.
Dear Heyman,

Good afternoon. The courts were very, very helpful. As the individual citizen, acting pro se, defending the districts attack on my constitutionally-protected rights can be a daunting task. We exposed a ton of creepy things this district is doing.

The court helped clarify many things during the hearing. This was all the results of a district government bully, using taxpayers funds to stop a taxpayer's right to know, attacking the citizen. The courts were fair, heard the facts, and actually ruled in favor of transparency after the case was withdrawn.

The transcripts will be released soon. I think you will be pleased with the proceedings.


Citizen David F. Bradley Sr.

Good evening. Lawful transparency can not be stopped, even by these five zealots. Vote them out. The transparency movement has gained support now that their hipocricy has been exposed.

The illegal vote passing a SLAPP resolution definately slowed the wheels of progress, but did not stop it. Vote out the SLAPPers Yenser, Spinelli, Stern, Wentz and Holland
Rubber stampers giving blind trust to the very people they were elected to oversee.

How does a district not own a copy of Adobe? Costs less than one hour of the Solicitor's time. Puppets acting in opposition of common sense. Of, by and for the people, not the Solicitor. Transparency and lawful meeting would be a nice change for Lehighton.

Remember when the police were forcibly taking people out of the meetings? The Superintendent and President signalling to have them forcibly removed from participation? We've come a long way, Baby.


Citizen David F..Bradley Sr.
How can I contribute to sharing the district Mission Statement that describes our responsibility to provide a safe, healthy and nurturing environment? I pledge to share love, respect and empathy for others. I seek to forgive and search for a common understanding. I ask for forgiveness and and strive to contribute to peaceful solutions. I do not abdicate my responsibility towards modeling community-normed behaviors for children. My greatest fear is my establishment of a sinful legacy that misdirects our impressionable young people! My challenge today, seek solutions and take NO prisoners.
While we are at it, let's look at Motion C under Director's Concerns. We found out at that meeting that it was submitted with no documentation by Mrs. Spinelli. No documentation, really? I seem to remember Mrs. Spinelli admonishing Dave Bradley he needed to submit documentation for motions under Director's concerns. I will be reading the 2018 Minutes once again to be sure. Seems to me what's good for the gander is good for the goose too.

Good evening. While you are replaying the greatest hits of Director Spinellii hipocricy, find the one where she say the laws don't apply to those in the majority. Or the one where she tells me agree or and lied about and sanctioned, fits right in with Director Stern's plea for immunity, Wentz telling taxpayers to kiss his a** on the excessive fund balance, and the clip of Holland didn't read the Study, or have time for constituents. There is Larry angrily covering the press camera, Yenser as treasure is a joke, rubber stampers like the rest. They better order more ink for that stamp pad,

Yenser and his CCTI committee clueless of the excess fund balancentil other districts found the issue, will Yenser recommend to consume it like Lasd dod, or refund it like the Jericho plan? My bet is the follow the use it or lose it montra.

The list of evil acts and hipocricy are long and distinguished. Laugh or cry, only a flipped board has exposed the issues they hide. Vote 'am all out, every incumbent, every rubber stamping, document losing, email hiding one of them. The Bowman-Krause-Eidem curb needs company.


Citizen David F.Bradley Sr.

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