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Published January 09. 2020 12:13PM

Lehighton Borough Council, on a 6-0 vote, took the following action on Monday:

• Adopted a resolution, pending approval from borough solicitor Jim Nanovic, requesting support for the Francis E. Walter Dam Reservoir Reevaluation Study, per Jerry McAward, owner of the Lehighton Outdoor Center.

• Tabled discussion on bid and alternate (if needed) for the Beaver Run 12,470 Circuit Upgrade Project to Henkels & McCoy in the amount of $608,000 based on the recommendation of Utility Engineers.

• Agreed to consider a resolution on behalf of Roy Christman of Fair Districts PA in support of fair legislative districts. Fair Districts PA is a nonpartisan organization to end gerrymandering within the commonwealth, and its goal is to get the townships and boroughs in Carbon County, along with other counties, to adopt a resolution to stop gerrymandering

• Approved final payment application #6 in the amount of $26,059 for the Upper Park Project.

• Adopted a resolution establishing the current rate purchased power cost of $67 per megawatt hour for the purchased power cost adjustment.

• Approved the amendment to the Civil Service Rules & Regulations, adding the definition of full-time officer.

• Adopted a resolution setting the police pension contribution.

• Hired Ashley Wojton as a seasonal employee for the Winter Youth Program.

• Appointed Ryan Saunders to the Shade Tree Committee.

• Tabled the appointment of William Rodweller to the Parks and Recreation Board.

• Adopted a resolution updating the fee scheduled for fiscal year 2020.

— Terry Ahner

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