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Lehighton Borough Council

Published March 05. 2020 12:54PM

Lehighton Borough Council, on a 6-0 vote, took the following action on Monday:

• Purchased a 2020 Ford F-550 and body in the amount of $61,330 for the borough’s Light & Power Department for chipping trees and other uses.

• Approved payment of $64,641 for the library building addition project.

• Approved payment in the amount of $2,250 for the cooling tower replacement project.

• Approved an engineering proposal from Keystone Consulting Engineering Inc. for a preliminary sketch plan for an addition to the existing Public Works Building not to exceed $2,000.

• Approved a resolution establishing a current base purchased power cost for the purchased power cost adjustment, with the rate entered into the formula being $61 per megawatt hour.

• Agreed to apply for a part-time recreation laborer to assist with the parks, pool and recreation center.

• Appointed Esther Aguero to join the Shade Tree Commission.

• Approved the resignation of Mary Eubanks as a crossing guard.

• Approved a request from Palmerton Borough for fire police assistance with traffic control March 28 for Raising the House 5K, and May 9 for St. Luke’s University Hospital 5K.

• Approved a resolution approving the destruction list of borough records.

— Terry Ahner

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