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Lehighton Borough Council business

Published February 13. 2020 01:47PM


Lehighton Borough Council approved the following on Monday:

• The Beaver Run 12,470 Circuit Upgrade project to Henkels & McCoy in the amount of $608,000 based on the recommendation of Utility Engineers P.C.

• $36,990 for payment one of the Lehighton Area Memorial Library project.

• American Federation of State County and Municipal Employees Collective Bargaining Agreement for a two-year term, January 2020 through December 2021. The agreement is with the borough’s electric department, public works department and clerical staff.

• Retirement of longtime police officer Neal Ebbert.

• Appointed Richard Zimmerman to the Parks & Recreation Board.

• An extension until Oct. 31 for the Debra Kay and Joseph Bennett land development/subdivision and vacation plan, as well as authorization for the developer to proceed with the construction of a retaining wall with conditions being established by the borough solicitor, engineer and manager.

• Reimburse the Mahoning Inn $708, contingent upon their agreeing to make water repairs.

• Police department will donate a 2006 Crown Victoria to Lehighton Area School District upon department’s receipt of a 2020 Ford SUV.

• A resolution in support of the Fair Legislative District in Pennsylvania.

• Hired Steve Anthony and Felicia Sue Anthony as substitute crossing guards.

• Request from Elizabeth Lorenz for a $5 increase on health inspections.

• Request from the Lehighton Water Authority to waive a $75 fee for an excavation permit.

• Payment of the Central Carbon Municipal Authority operations and maintenance bills pending approval by the borough manager.

— Terry Ahner


AntiHaze and antiBullying awareness and educational programs will be held at the Franklin Township Fire Company February 17 starting at 10 am. Please attend, bring you children and share the announcement. This is a FREE event.

Dennis Goodwin is a nationally acclaimed motivational speaker addressing prevention and methods to stop Hazing, Bullying and assaults on students.


Citizen David F. Bradley, Sr.

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