Lehighton decides rules for teacher talks
It’s teacher contract negotiation time in Lehighton Area High School District, and on Monday, school board directors set the parameters by which the beginning portion of those talks will take place.
By a 5-3 vote, directors agreed to have select members of Lehighton’s administration meet with representatives from the Lehighton Area Education Association, the union that represents district teachers, and bring any information back to the full school board for discussion.
Rita Spinelli, the board member who made the motion, said she favored the process as the most streamlined way to get information on negotiations.
“I negotiated six contracts about 25 years ago, but things were done differently then,” Spinelli said. “I was working with reasonable, professional people and I’m not sure that is the case now. I prefer administration get the information and bring it to the board. I don’t want to find out about it on YouTube in the morning.”
Voting against the motion were David Bradley, Joy Beers and Gail Maholick. Richard Beltz was absent from the meeting. Bradley suggested the board was abdicating its authority to the administration while addressing his opposition.
“We have an unsustainable budget, we are having tax increases and are expanding our debt, yet we will have no stakeholders with any skin in the game during these talks,” Bradley said.
Bradley advocated for someone from the board to sit in on the talks.
“Mr. Bradley, you have suggested that you be that person, and I would rather hang in the sun by my thumbs than let that happen,” Spinelli said.
A motion by Bradley on Monday night to have three board members oversee the negotiation process failed.
Board President Larry Stern said the early part of negotiations deal mostly with the language of the contract and less with the financial end of it. Like all employee contracts in the district, the pact would still need to be approved by the board before going into effect.
“We can meet on an ongoing basis to discuss these negotiations,” Stern said of the school board’s role. The board will be involved in the final discussion before approval of a contract. The administration has much more of an impact on language changes. All of that gets laid out first before salaries and benefits.”
The current contract with teachers was approved in November 2015 and runs through Aug. 31, 2020. At the time, district officials said the contract called for an 9.8% increase in district spending.
I seek the resignation of the corrupt rubber stampers that abdicate their elected authority to the very people they were elected to oversee.
Failure to use common sense and blocking transparency are two key indicators of a corrupt government agency.
Yes, Rita, the Sunshine act is still in effect in Pennsylvania, and you should read it. (Has us whistling the scarecrow theme song)
Citizen David F. Bradley Sr.
There are these things called elections where the fine citizens of this school district vote to decide who they want to represent them on the school board. Ever hear of them??? The citizens have decided, and you and your fellow sheep should start accepting that fact.
LHGHTN, like your missing vowels, they are missing the 'public service' part after the election. There is so much evidence to their inability to serve the people, protect the student and save the community, only a complete zealot would give these five their "blint-trust" to oversee the collection and disbursement of funds for our children's education.
You have the same failure of logic as Larry, Steve, Wayne, Andrew and Rubber Stamping Rita. You see, the law required a director to act with fidelity in service of the district. The PSEA, and other lobbyist donors to the Reach Committee should be exposed. The failure to protect the children is evidence of Wayne, Larry, Andrew, Steve and Rita's loyalty.
Citizen David F. Bradley, Sr.
Davey-boy vs. Goliath; bringing transparency and moral review to the Lehighton School District.
Morality test: Should a government official obey a direct order of the government agency?
Here is a reminder of the most recent primary outcome, Barbara especially close to the bottom:
Lehighton School Board Democrat (4 yr term, vote for 5) Votes
Barbara A. Bowes 313
Frank Ruch 770
Craig S. Bowman 186
Walter "Wally" Zlomsowitch 270
Wayne W. Wentz 913
Nathan R. Foeller 716
Byron D. Schnell 341
Larry E. Stern 822
Thomas "Tommy" McEvilly 226
Richard R. Beltz 333
Rita L Spinelli 813
100% of Precincts reporting
Lehighton School Board Republican (4 yr term, vote for 5) Votes
Frank Ruch 1,048
Wayne W. Wentz 1,250
Richard R. Beltz 759
Larry E. Stern 1,121
Barbara A. Bowes 601
Rita L. Spinelli 1,067
Nathan R. Foeller 1,000
Thomas "Tommy" McEvilly 571
Walter "Wally" Zlomsowitch 626
Byron D. Schnell 641
- 0
100% of Precincts reporting