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Lehighton enters HGTV Hometown Takeover competition

Published February 12. 2020 09:10AM


Lehighton’s Main Street Steering Committee has entered into HGTV’s Hometown Takeover 2020 competition.

The committee recently had a video recorded for a chance at the HGTV town makeover, according to borough Manager Nicole Beckett.

The contest is set up to find one town which will receive a makeover from Ben and Erin Napier, host of the channel’s show “Hometown.”

For “Hometown Takeover,” the show’s producers will choose a new town where they will fix up multiple individual homes, as well as public spaces such as parks, diners and rec centers.

Beckett explained that the borough’s Main Street Steering Committee “decided it was a good idea to submit for the show.”

She said the video depicts one of the committee’s round table discussions, and added there are about 20 members on the steering committee, as well as other volunteers that float in and out.

“We have a lot of good discussions every month, a lot of good intentions for the downtown,” Beckett said. “This video is for HGTV, however, it’s also for ourselves to promote the downtown community.”

Beckett said she believes the video “shows a lot of positives, a lot of progress.”

“So, while we hope we are selected, we still believe that the video can be used twofold; for HGTV, and the main street committee and the downtown,” she said. “We have a lot of ideas and a lot of need; it’s a matter of what do they actually come and do.”


This is funny because they do not have enough money to make Lehighton look good!
Any place where the 'public' is allowed to 'voice their opinion' online , whether it be Facebook , Twitter , Instagram , or local news sites like this one , you see ridiculous , obnoxious , ignorant , irrational , unreasonable , distorted , twisted , illogical , comments from way too many in our society. It's been a bit disappointing , over the years , ever since the internet came into play , to come and realize there's so many whackos out there. Most of these individuals never had anyone to talk to because of their distorted ignorance , but now get a chance to use these sites as their own personal platform to express their hate , bitterness , anger , and twisted views of the world as we know it. Common sense is rare with so many of these individuals. They use these sites to lash out at others , to 'get even' with society because of their pathetic lives. I've closed my Facebook and Twitter accounts. I will leave this site soon. I'm not here to be exposed to these sort of people. I come to have an intelligent conversation but that's virtually impossible because these sites have been hijacked by losers , loners , viscious individuals who finally found a way to be heard. Well they will not be heard from me. All good people should leave these sites and let all the losers have their irrational debates with each other. Let the blind lead the blind ..... and they'll all fall in the ditch. These people cannot be 'fixed'. They are who they are. They have about as much 'class' as a closed-down school house. I refuse to spend my time , my life , anywhere near bad people. And yes , they are bad people. The internet has opened my eyes to all the ignorance. You always knew it was out there , and now you get to see it up close and personal. This is not for me. I will never waste my time arguing with a fool that lacks common sense. Get help to get peace.

I understand your frustration and disappointment.

But I beg you to reconsider. It is vital that the community realizes that there are sincere, good, folks like you in our community and it is vital that your point of view remains part of the dialog.

There are others here who agree with me. I hope they also encourage you to stay.

As far as Facebook is concerned - yes, it is toxic.

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