Lehighton hears proposals for annual forensic audits
Of the two auditing firms competing for Lehighton Area School District’s business, it is a Delaware company that looks to have the upper hand.
Lehighton’s finance committee on Monday night said it would recommend to the full school board to hire Barbacane, Thornton & Company to do both its regular annual audit and a forensic audit.
The recommendation came after hearing from BT&C managing partner Pam Baker as well as Jeffrey Weiss, a managing partner with Zelenkofske Axelrod, the other firm to submit a proposal for the job.
While Lehighton’s business manager, Patricia Denicola, told committee members that both firms seemed well versed in public education finances, it was the cost proposal that led to the recommendation.
According to Denicola, BT&C proposed a flat rate of $36,000 for three consecutive years of regular financial audits and a forensic audit rate ranging from $80 per hour for a regular employee to $250 per hour for one of the firm’s partners.
Zelenkofske, meanwhile, proposed a fee of $34,500 in the first year, $35,535 in the second year and $36,600 in the third year of a contract for the regular audit. For the forensic audit, it proposed a $95 per hour fee for a regular employee and a $380 per hour fee for a partner.
“When you are looking at a forensic audit, you’re most often going to have a partner doing that work,” Denicola told committee members.
The motion to hire an auditor will be on the agenda for Lehighton’s Sept. 30 school board meeting.
Lehighton’s board unanimously ordered the forensic audit in June following a motion by director David Bradley.
Bradley cited issues in Jim Thorpe Area School District, Penn Hills, Scranton and several other districts as examples of why he pushed for a forensic audit in Lehighton. He also questioned statements made about benefit payments during the previous fiscal year.
The district started with a $4.5 million projected budget deficit for 2019-20 after Denicola, who took over for former business administrator Brian Feick in March, said $3 million of expenses were not shown appropriately as expenditures.
“When the expense payments were made, they were charged as a debit to a liability account, which was an inaccurate accounting treatment,” she said.
“The effect of this was that the monthly board summary reports showed less than the actual expenditures. When I discovered the error, the correcting transactions were made so that the appropriate expenditures were correctly shown on the monthly board reports.”
Bradley, however, contends it was not just an accounting error, and that the funds were actually “missing.”
Both firms, during presentations on Monday, touted their experience and called themselves niche players in the public education auditing field.
“We want to be cost effective while getting to the right answers for you,” Baker said. “We’ll hone in on where the potential is for you to have additional procedures to decrease risk.”
Weiss said 99% of his firm’s work is in the public sector and clients have included Jim Thorpe Area School District, Allentown School District and Lehigh County.
“All of our staff has worked with school districts,” Weiss said.
“If we find something as we’re going along, we’ll bring it up with administration and the school board if need be. If things come up as the year goes on, we’ll also provide that information to you. If there are standards changing or something like that, we’ll let you know ahead of time.”
Both firms said they were contacted by school board director Joy Beers and informed about Lehighton’s request for proposals.
“I sent around 10 emails to different firms and directed them to talk to (Denicola) if they were interested,” Beers said.
Some firms, Denicola said, did inquire but ultimately chose not to submit a proposal. One firm that was interested in the forensic audit asked to be paid for their presentation to the finance committee.
“That is not something we do,” she said.
Director David Bradley, who participated in Monday’s finance meeting by phone, said the firm selection process bothers him.
“This whole thing is corrupt,” Bradley said. “We should not be allowing the administration we are auditing to be involved in hiring the auditor. Let’s table this until we can do it right.”
While Bradley contended it is Lehighton’s administration that is the focus of the forensic audit, Denicola disagreed.
“It is not the administration being audited, it is the work of the former business administrator,” she said.
“We are simply bringing these presentations to the board. The board will make the decision on the auditor, not the administration.”
Normally, in an uncorrupt system, three independent vendors are required prior to contracting over $100,000 of services. Just sayin'.
These rubber stampers offer their blind trust to the very administration they were elected to oversee. It is considered corrupt by definition. I look forward to the five voting to rubber stamp the business manager's recommendation. The business manager's office staff should be an audience member for these discussions. This is ridiculous.
How about the business manager, Patti Denicola's statement that her office is not being audited in a forensic audit ending June of 2019. And the award for most obvious contradiction made in a single statement goes to. With the runner up. Remember the idiocy behind the statement from Director Spinelli that the Superintendent is the tenth board member, an equal, not subordinate, except for those things the Superintendent cannot do, making Superintendents not an equal, and making them not an elected board member? The list included the authority to hire, fire, tax, spend money, collect monies, sign contracts, sell assets, write policy, adjudicate policy, and pledged oath of office to protect the children and save the community. Other than that list, they are both completely equal, right? I mean, they have about as much in common as Rita Spinelli and a squirrel seeking a nut, both scurry about with Spinelli and squirrel beginning with the letter S, and having seven letters. Ha, gotcha, eight, see the value of verification? If we all verify the statements of our public officials and government staff we will see the contradictions that are harming our children and costing our community.
Transparency is coming to the Lehighton Area School District, and whereas I am not the originator of its disinfecting properties, I am one of the many purveyors, restoring morality to government officials.
The truth only hurts those hiding it. And critical thought, where valuable, has little effect on the corrupt.
Citizen David F. Bradley, Sr.
Look at this recommendation (excerpt from this article) and then just google the Reading Eagle's articles on their recommendation.
Corruption from the lack of board member fidelity. Rita Spinelli and Andrew Yenser should give the community an apology and immediately resign.
Ugh, Dorothy and the scarecrow probably had a better moral path to success.
Citizen David F. Bradley, Sr.
Geez, send me reinforcements! This board needs common sense critical thinkers that don't mind doing at least doing a Google search before committing to spend $100,000.
Please write in some reinforcements.
Citizen David F. Bradley Sr.
They just recommended an audit firm that apparently has been exposed by the Auditor General and the district that previously used them. When will Rita and Andy just apologize for their neglect and resign?
To repeatedly look foolish, fail in their assigned tasks and make rubber-stamping decision are just the beginning of their buffoonery.
They also allowed their insubordinate subordinate, the business manager, to hide the information until the committee meeting. This was another Andy gotcha moment with Rubber-stamping Rita close behind, giving her blind-to trust, and they just sat there and took. A classic Andy move. Totally pathetic. The lack of leadership continues to cost this district.
This board is a shill, watching an ineffective administration arrogantly running the show, all in defiance of common sense. Board members asked for the proposals in advance of the meeting to do research so they could arrive prepared. Now, after the meeting, after the research, the Andy, Rita recommendation is discovered as less than useless. The entire process was a waste of resources.
The correct method and process of selecting an auditor was shared and ignored. Again, the vast documented experience I share as Citizen Dave, transparently, apparently is lost on these two. It costs the district as their corruption and wasteful actions are repeated, time and time again. Please send me logical reinforcements before this district goes in default. We need to fix this or we are all screwed.
Citizen David F. Bradley, Sr.
Citizen David F. Bradley, Sr.
Rita Spinelli, Wayne Wentz, Andrew Yenser, Larry Stern and Steve Holland should all apologize to the people and resign.
Citizen David F. Bradley, Sr.