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Lehighton looks to revise sidewalk ordinance

Published April 27. 2018 10:50PM

A Lehighton borough official has asked to make revisions to the borough’s sidewalk ordinance.

Councilwoman Autumn Abelovsky said at Monday’s borough council meeting that she would like to see council revisit the idea of having an ordinance stating that an inspection of sidewalks would need to be completed for the sale of a home in the borough.

Abelovsky said doing so would not only lend to the safety of the borough for pedestrians, but also add to the curb appeal of the homes.

While she acknowledged it would be an added cost, Abelovsky said she believes it would be for the betterment of the community.

However, council President Grant Hunsicker questioned how that could be accomplished without putting the matter on the taxpayers.

Hunsicker said that it would be OK if everyone could afford to do so.

“I don’t think we should put the burden on the property owners,” Hunsicker said.

Abelovsky also discussed the possibility of revising the borough’s snow removal ordinance for many of the same reasons.

She said that while she instills in her children not to walk in the street, when there are no sidewalks, children do so on their way to school.

That, Abelovsky said, is a safety issue.

She said that with the borough currently holding three of the schools in the district, as well as athletic fields and administrative offices, many homes along those walking routes do not have sidewalks at all.

Abelovsky said she believes it would be a positive change for the community, as well as a public safety improvement, and that doing so would be a way to make sure sidewalks throughout the borough are taken care of.

Borough Manager Nicole Beckett said she believes the matter will eventually need to be addressed.

“At some point in time, we’re going to have to do something,” Beckett said. “It’s definitely a safety hazard.”

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