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Lehighton music department to present spring concerts

Published May 14. 2019 11:44AM

The Lehighton Area Middle School Music Department will present its 26th annual spring concerts on two dates in May.

On Wednesday, the sixth, seventh and eighth grade choruses, along with the Music Express show choir, will perform in the middle school auditorium.

On May 22, the sixth, seventh and eighth grade bands, along with the Jazz Ensemble, will perform the instrumental concert in the middle school auditorium.

Both concerts begin at 7 p.m. The doors will open at 6:30.

The bands are under the direction of Beth Hudlow, and the Jazz Ensemble is directed by Thomas Weidner.

During Wednesday’s concert, Music Express will begin by presenting “Regards to Broadway,” a musical revue covering famous Broadway musicals from the 1920s to the present. The revue includes narration and features many of our students in solo performances.

The choruses will then present many Broadway favorites, including selections from “The Greatest Showman” and “Hamilton.”

The students will conclude with a celebration of spring, a tribute to music, and a patriotic number, “I Love That Grand Old Flag.” All choirs are under the direction of Laura Welkey.

During the concert on May 22, the Jazz Ensemble will lead the concert by performing a combination of jazz standards, as well as current and classic pop hits. A crowd favorite is sure to be “What Makes You Beautiful,” made popular by the band One Direction.

The jazz ensemble is under the direction of Weidner.

The sixth-grade band will begin their portion of the concert with “March” (from the Motion Picture “The Eagle Has Landed”). The band will play a variety of music from standard band literature to the classic rock favorite “Final Countdown” arranged by Scott Blood.

The seventh and eighth grade band will then take the stage, and start their portion of the concert with “Valley Forge” and march by Karl King. The band will also perform “Medley from Shrek,” featuring melodies from the popular “Shrek” movie. The band will finish with the patriotic “Battle Hymn of the Republic,” arranged by Jay Bocook.

The concerts are open to the public, and all are welcome. A 50/50 drawing will take place at the choral concert.

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