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Lehighton School District responds to alleged hazing at middle school

Published December 19. 2019 11:34AM


An alleged hazing incident at Lehighton Area Middle School remains under investigation.

Concerned Voices for Lehighton Schools Facebook group posted on Monday: “There has been several incidents at the middle school that are playing out on social media.

“We have been reluctant to address them because we believe in the system. Is the system sometimes wrong? Yes. But overall the staff in our district works very hard for our children.”

The group alluded to the reputed hazing incident.

“Was there a hazing incident? Again we are not directly involved. But the incident involves children and again in the end any discipline will remain confidential (unless the families involved choose to make it public).”

The school district released the following statement late this morning:

"The LASD Administration was forwarded information of an incident that involved several MS (middle school) students. Immediately after the administration was notified, Lehighton School Police were contacted, along the Lehighton Borough Police.

"An internal investigation took place and is continuing to take place in compliance with school policy and procedures. Students' parents have been contacted and notified of this pending investigation. In addition to the investigation taking place within the school, the Lehighton Borough Police are conducting an investigation into the same incident.

"Student confidentiality laws prevent us from disclosing the identities of any students involved or the specified school discipline measures taken. Lehighton Area School District's primary responsibility is to provide a safe and secure environment for all children and we will continue to make a "good faith" effort to assure the safety of all students."

Borough police Chief Brian Biechy said police are not commenting at this time because the investigation is not complete.

So here is my point david
You ask me what makes you think this isnt the full body of the email
Then you say it is
Am I supposed to blindly trust you
Am I not to demand transparency
Am I not to demand my questions answered
What are those school codes tell us we want to know
Have they the other 5 voted no or havent they answered there is a big diffrence

Have you spoken to the police to see if they feel a conversation about this is good or neccessary at this time

Again you have a way for you to be the most transparent board member of all time you can use social media to post all interactions every email
Why not do just that post on your facebook account the full details of the emails back and forth between you and the board members

All this is about is transparency
Once again you missed the point, this is about protecting the children.
However, since lawful transparency would protect the children, lawful transparency should be required.

That is why we called for a special meeting.


Citizen David F. Bradley Sr.
What point did I miss there's more to the law of than what you're spouting bear is more emails than what you're just showing you're not being transparent and you want people just to blindly trust you

Did I miss something
BTW, here is the email Larry sent to Superintendent Cleaver and Superintendent Cleaver's email to Solicitor Schwab.


Subject: Fwd: Written request for a Special meeting

See below

I am asking for clarification on this issue.

I am guessing the way it reads is that if three board members request a special meeting the board president does not have to act on the request unless the majority of the board then has the same request to have a meeting.

J. Cleaver

LASD Superintendent

Please excuse errors
Sent from my iPhone

Begin forwarded message:

From: Larry Stern <>
Date: December 30, 2019 at 8:31:54 AM EST
To: "Jonathan J. Cleaver" <>
Subject: Fw: Written request for a Special meeting

Good Morning,
Please get clarification on this item from our Solicitor.
So again you're asking me to ask Cleaver for a copy of the conversations that you don't want to give me that's not very transparent that goes back to what I said about do you want me to rubber- that goes back to what I said about do you want me to blindly trust everything you're saying
This district appears to be both morally and financially broken.

The failures to protect the students, and failures to create a sustainable financial plan are my primary evidences why I feel that this government is broken. It is sad, and yet it can be fixed

The big picture facts are not disputed.
The board, by law, is required to seek stakeholder's input prior to action, and write policy that provides a safe educational environment. The board by law is responibile to hire an administration capable to execute the policy and enforce it. The board by law, is responibile to adjudicate said policy, overseeing the administration responsible to apply the law fairly, with equal protection.

My solutions is to ask the rubber stampers to resign admitting their failure as public servants, so that those replacing them will seek stakeholders input, honor their oath, protect the students and save the community by proper oversight of the administration they were elected to oversee.

It is really just that simple.


Citizen David F. Bradley Sr.
No, I will resign act under the moral oversight of the stakeholder. I will serve my one term honoring my oath and acting as a public servant, with rigid moral principles. I would not give you reason or cause to ever ask.


Citizen David F. Bradley Sr.
But how do you have rigid morals when you are not being transparent when you mislead the citzens
You are a bully yourself
You disrespect people and your not willing to work or even answer questions from citzens
Well truthfully if you are doing the same things as what you say the board is
Then I should ask for your resignation
Well no it's not both financially or morally broken
Again you don't want to see the facts as what they are and that's your opinion
you have not write a policy to improve the well-being of the children of the school district or the tax-paying citizens of this community
as I stated before you've been told the law and you're trying to mislead the citizens that are going to read this so please stop

You say you want to ask the citizens for their input but when you get input from people that don't agree with you you belittle them and Bully them

Again what exactly are the policies that you would want to change to improve the welfare of the children and to better improve the finances of the school district
Okay so you would ask people to resign then what what is your plan what are the policies what would you change would you make cuts would you read and renegotiate with the unions what are your plans what are the policies please tell us we've been waiting two years to hear them
Be mad at the messenger all you like, but, at the end of the day, the message is still staring you in the face.

Students were harmed in a government's public school.

Either the policy failed, or the staff administering the policy failed. Either way both are overseen by the board, so the board failed.

The only way a board can resolve the issue is through policy. By law, prior to taking action, the stakeholders input must be sought. A special meeting can meet the lawful requirements, and would be a great first step to ensuring the current laws are followed and reviewed, so the students are protected.


Citizen David F. Bradley Sr.
I'm not mad at you at all
I am just asking you a question
That you continue to dodge
I want you to follow thru on the stuff you ask the other board members to do
Stop being a hypocrite
Citzens of this community will be heard just not on your time frame

I am not mad at you, on the contrary, I like your rants .

I am disgusted at what appears to be your lack of support concerning a special meeting that protects the students and saves the community.


Citizen David F. Bradley Sr.
No I want the meeting if it doesnt interfere in a open investigation if it gives both the accused and the victim their day in court
If your going to bring actual policy to the table that may change things
If your not just going to stand there and slam the table and demand things to happen
You appear to have a ton of anxiety over what you want, the anger, frustration, yet it seems to me that you still miss the big picture.

I am just a person of average intelligence, but, try reading Galatians 5 -22, school policy 011, and Gladwell's What the dog saw. Educate yourself, and seek a logical, moral path.

Your fears are unfounded in lawful transparency.

Victims and perpetrators are always welcome to attend meeting and
file private complaints, civil and criminal. A special meeting is for lawful transparency. It is probably NOT the forum for child victim statements or perpetrator confessions.A special meeting just ensures the stakeholders that policy will be reviewed and followed.

Yes, in my opinion Larry Stern can be a hot head, power hungry, arrogant, a bully and gavel happy, buy he is is just one of nine. Information provided alleges actions revealing gaps in our policy and otherwise. Rather than combat or argue otherwise, we can all attend a special meeting to hold our government accountable.

Please, seek peace. Stop the rants and wild accusations. Root out the evil, do not encourage it.


Citizen David F. Bradley Sr.
David if this goes to trial the citzens of this community are going to be the jury
If we hash this out on here and on or in a board room this could corrupt the jury base
See how it works

Well david most of this community would call you hot head arrogant a bully
Do you continue to make reference to information how do we know what you're saying is actually true do you want us to blindly follow you or you going to actually bring the information you have to the table why are you hiding

When you are on the board there is no holding anybody accountable the only way anything gets done is if they and US agree with you these aren't accusations I've dealt with it myself I've watched it myself if you don't like what I have to say then change cuz like I said I'm not going anywhere
Free civics lesson.
For LASD policy, the board IS the Judge and Jury.
The board is also responsible to oversee policy enforcement by the subordinate administration.
The board is also responsible to keep the students safe and answer to the public when they fail. Directors are not lawfully permitted to act as a director outside a public meeting. Lawful transparency solves all these privacy issues.

A special meeting providing lawful transparency would not automatically taint a jury pool, but, in all fairness the courts have their remedy. Your excuses not to meet are sad, and illogical in so many ways.

Please, just stop supporting evil.


Citizen David F. Bradley Sr.
David yet you spread rumors like your in the know about things
And you are spreading rumors outside of the meeting
What polcies do you think they broke

So if a meeting wont taint the jury pool then why recognize that the courts have a remedy

What type of information are looking for from a special meetings
Do you plan on make any policy changes
And what are they if you are
And if your only a board member at meetings then why dont you answer the questions the citzens ask you at the meetings
Why do you dodge questions and refuse to answers from certain peopl
Why do you keep certain information from the citzens of this community just to pass a motion
You say that there is a breakdown in policies okay what policies do you want to change I've asked you numerous times you continue to say the same thing without any conversation here's a perfect opportunity to have a conversation with a citizen about policy that you actually want to change
"You say that there is a breakdown in policies"

I say?!? Hmm. I say, do I? Geez. Reality check time.

This article, the Superintendent's email regarding two police investigations (separate departments) and the petition being circulated all show me the district is miss managed. The district seems to lack stakeholders input and proper governance. Sounds to me that you are not listening very well to the citizens, and focused on this citizen. You should probably change your point of view, in my opinion, and stop being so self serving. In my opinion the staff need to help protect the children, not help the administration circle the wagons.

The failures to protect the students seems to be playing second fiddle to eager application of rubber stamps to the board president's wife's boss.

Let's protect the students and save the community. Listening to the stakeholders is the way out of this mess and the district's lawful responsibility (011).

Just sayin'


Citizen David F. Bradley Sr.
No I havent seen these emails or police investigation or these petitions
I am asking you to post these things so I can make a valid opinion about what is going

I am choosing not to follow you blindly
And believe what you say

I am asking you the person who seems to me wants to be a board member now to show all the emails or petitions
Or any with the police officers that you're saying you're having
Boy! Glad you are not handling the staff negotiations. What a mess.

You could learn a thing or two from Aesop.

An old man tried to comfort the boy as they walked back to the village.


Citizen David F. Bradley Sr.
Old man
Moral compasses require the owner to see the needle through a transparent glass for them to work.


Citizen David F. Bradley Sr.
Correct. The needle needs transparency.
The district should drug screen staff
Moral compasses for all
Lawful transparency

Protect the students and save the community.

Still no call for a special meeting despite PA School Code 426, I find that odd, and a bit immorals really.


Citizen David F. Bradley Sr.
This is a very difficult subject to discuss on a comment feed. And the subject of this feed, proper moral government defined by stakeholders is a bit related.

So, to be transparent: It is my understanding and opinion that drug dependancy is a direct function of, or is directly related to, the human body having been exposed to a drug. And my definition of drug abuse would be the modified use of a drug, taking of drugs above the prescribed amount, or taking unprescribed drugs or medication in a manner that negates the desired intent.
Even the term drug can be ambiguous. Is a banana a drug to resolve low potassium levels or reduce cramps at a track meet? Or is it just a proper diet, or food for the anticipated activity? How about an orange after giving blood? Then we have the idea, is adding alcohol consumption on top of pain meds drug abuse or just unadvised? Is there a healthy dose of a runners high? How about coffee with the caffeine, or a sugar high? Is the granulated white addictive powder known as cane sugar a drug? Open the cigarettes can of worms, or Cigars? In general, why does government get involved and mandate chemical screenings of subcontractor's employees by not their own staff? When are people free to decide for themselves?

The problem with these discussions is the most related to doubles speak inherent in our society. Before a rational discussion can be productive we would need to define drug abuse, dependancy, healthy vs. unhealthy? And the rights of one person to dictate their view upon another.

I feel we all have every right and responsibility to cast our own moral codes and judgement upon the government acting on our behalf. This should result in the highest moral character of government. Obviously, we all need to be a bit more vocal, and less silenced by those we cast our judgement upon, since immoral governments are prolific.

Back to abuse.
Some people drift from prescriptions and apparently some prescriptions may have been misapplied. The decision to take prescribed drugs is that of the patient. The doctor is in a medical practice, so taking such advice is statistically prudent. But should you blindly trust your doctor, or read the PDR? Do you blindly trust the PDR? So, is it immoral to damage ones body with a known destructive force? That would depend on a person's own morality, unique to each individual. Some people conclude stressing the body from excercise has a moral benefit, others an immoral detriment, it all depends on the individual and their situation, and the extend of the exercise.

That all being said, personally, in my opinion, the district is one of the largest government employers in the county, and the staff has direct contact with children, a great pay, benefits with stellar, guarenteed pension benefits. Such a government agency should have access to, and a selection process to isolate the best candidates to build a great facility. A drug screen, is just one hurdle that I would like them to meet.
More accountability of every government staff to report suspected abuse of power, incidence of sexual abuse, drug use, bullying and pilferage or theft should be added to the contracts in my opinion. The entire staff member should be a watchdog for entire staff saving the community and protecting these students. But, that is just me, a citizen fighting for a more moral government.

Whereas you may or may not agree 100% and God knows I hope you do not as that would be boring. I do hope you provide input to your local government so the community can benefits from an open and transparent discussion of ideas. And I hope the board members honor their oath and vote the best moral lawful point, and not their personal view, as they are acting for the people when they take actions of government.


Citizen David F. Bradley Sr.
I’m not against drug screening and if the board wants to do that with the SD employees that power is in the board’s hand to negotiate. Casting drug abuse as a moral issue is another thing. Millions of Americans struggle with this disease and to suggest an initial usage of a drug that may have been a result of legitimate medical usage is immoral is ignorant. Even if it isn’t trashing someone’s morality as a whole is, well, immoral. You’re prepared to call the 16 year old girl shooting heroin from her mom’s stash and ends up as an addicted adult immoral? What about someone who decides to try a drug at a party because they have never fit in and is desperate for acceptance who has a family predisposition toward addiction and gets hooked? Mistakes don’t make us immoral, but I do think blind judgements do.

I’m quite certain we could find something in everyone’s past that ruses time the “immoral” level of trying a drug. What we need is to stop demonizing those with addiction and get on to solutions. Public leaders need to lead that but your comments are doing the opposite.
Elected officials are public servants not necessarily leaders, nor should the citizens that elect them treat them as leaders.
We all have all lost too many people related to drug use, abuse and drug addiction.
The risks are real, and like global thermal nuclear war, the only way to win is, "not to play".
Once they play, for whatever reason, and they use, abuse or get hooked, they need our overwhelming support, compassion and love. It is a very difficult experience.

A different era, but David Toma and Nancy Reagan helped many not start.

One immoral act does not make an immoral person. We should all be defined, and remembered for our finest moments as humans. However, immoral acts left uncorrected by sincere apologies and corrective action tend to fester, and are harder to move past.
There is no need to seek or give forgiveness, because it is what you do next that defines your future, and the past is in the past. Forgiveness lessens the pain, a known, and formidable deterrent.

Without the sincerity of tone, written words are often misinterpreted. If we met, I could better understand your views, and if you knew my experiences, you may understand my views. Scars from hand to hand combat on this battlefield are like tombstones in a cemetery, expensive, long remembered, a place over which prayers are offered.
(I never played GTNW either).


Citizen David F. Bradley Sr.
Regarding addiction as a failure of morals is the biggest barrier to a solution. Your post was clear, you called drug abusers immoral. If that is not your intent please change your words in the future. Lives depend on it.
BTW, you will have no hope of getting the union to agree to drug testing if you are couching it as “testing the morality of our employees”. Any effective drug testing program should be treatment and recovery focused. If you provide for treatment as opposed to just trying to catch drug users you would have something that most people would agree to.
What has changed in the last 2 years? We now have access to most if not all the attachments sent to Board Members with the Agenda. Transparency. We are able to speak up and comment at Board Meetings on new motions, not on the agenda that are brought forth during the meeting. Public comment is sought. Transparency. We can now read the changes being made to policies prior to the changes being made. Transparency.

Now my opinion as far as a Special Meeting over the latest incidents occurring in the district is this. A Special Board Meeting outlining the actions already taken or that will be taken to provide for the protection of the students attending all the schools in the district would have not only been respectful to all parents and community members, but it would also have been prudent to do so. No details needed on specific incidents, such as names of victims or perpetrators. Instead of trying to hide things, getting out ahead of them and offering solutions to problems so that they do not recur builds trust and is lawfully transparent. It certainly seems that the days of keeping these incidents under wraps are over.
Which I have said is fine
I think a open and honest discussion is necessary just not at this time while the investigation is open
All I was asking for was what details did he want
What polcies did he think were broken

But no we got the same run around

I asked him about the November meeting where he left out crucial details in his motion and asked him how he thought that was transparent

I told him that the board isnt hiding stuff it's just a open investigation and cant respond
He is claiming he sent a letter to the state police all I asked for info to verify he was telling us the truth he didnt answer not very transparent
But also just wanted the citzens to rubber stamp that he actually did I will not and wouldnt do that

It better b over parents should n have a right to know what's going on in there kids school I can guarantee that if my daughter said. Your grandkid got beaten up or bullied at school n was put under rug. Shit would hit the fan. Oh no I'm not threatening I'm stating that shit would hit the fan. As for you davie. You write alot n say little. U stat transperacy lit a hundred times but cant answer a question. U stat it's the boards job to serve not lead. U clowns couldnt serve coffee let alone run the school board. n y would a parent call state police if u say n I quote the board is the judge n jury!!!! Care to try n respond???
Sure Softball. Here is my opinion, and clarification

Our government agencies are many.
Federal, State, County, Local, and Local School District. It is my understanding that each government has their own jurisdiction, authority, and rules.

Criminal activities can be reported to State or Local Authorities and there is a Private Criminal Complaint process, they can use to report activities directly to the DA.

School policy, law at the local level, is governed by the local school board. There, a formal written complaint is filed, and the board hosts the hearing. The board is the judge and jury SPECIFIC to the policy they wrote and have authority to adjudicate. The subordinate administration is the enforcement of the policy. The stakeholders have input, or control of the board in the board's writing of the policy is a moral government of, by and for the people.

So, in the instance of Student A touching or harming Student B, or Teacher A touching, harming or failing to protect Student A, both jurisdictions (LASP Policy, Criminal) may be in order depending on the level of harm, and particular instances. The LASD Administration may follow policy and issue a detention, suspension, expulsion, or in the teacher's case, employer discipline, and the parents or teacher may want said enforcement reviewed by the board, so a due process hearing at the board level is hosted. if the student altercation, injury, or harm, rose to the level assault in a way that may be considered criminal, the police should be notified, and that system of justice employed. That is all in my opinion, and understanding of how the system is supposed to work.


Citizen David F. Bradley Sr.

PS. Softball, great question by the way as I feel many people don't realize the school is a local government authority. It has all it's own authority to protect the students and save the community. Regrettably, the majority board, the rubber-stampers of the administration they were elected to oversee, corrupt the system. The checks and balances the system has written in it are supposed to be used to protect the students and save the community, holding government accountable. Again, in my opinion formed by my research.
The children should have all the rights and protection they are entitled to have in a public park in the public library. Too bad our public school do not afford the students the same rights. These restrictions are DIRECTLY under the LOCAL SCHOOL BOARD'S authority.

The removal of rights is a function of school policy. Please lobby those opposing policy changes, and let's give the students the same rights they have in the public library and public park in our public, government schools.

Please lobby Directors Larry Stern, Rita Spinelli, Wayne Wentz and Steve Holland to change the oppressive laws cast upon these students.

Or, of you feel Lobby efforts are moot, since like me, have formed the opinion politicians listen their financial backers more that the the people, pic a better path. FILE FORMAL WRITTEN COMPLAINT against any existing policy you feel is allowing students to be harmed by sending THE OFFICIAL WRITTEN COMPLAINT to ALL the Directors, and as policy demands, Larry' Stern's wife's boss, the Superintendent, Jon Cleaver.

Here are the email addresses. Why they not all are listed on the LASD website? Really why? Well, who cares, here they are:

Larry Stern
Rita Spinelli
Nathan Foeller
Rusty Beltz
Joy Beers
Gail Maholick
David F. Bradley, Sr.
Wayne Wentz (Sharon)
Steve Holland
Jon Cleaver

Transparency works, empowering the people.

Force the government to take action using the Formal Written Complaint policy.

Petitions, individually sent to all the above become as a Formal Written Complaint, REQUIRES a response by your public servants.

Fixing this government takes proper lawful transparency, and the stakeholders to hold the government officials and staff accountable. Without a Formal Written Complaint, the stakeholders give the immoral weasels wiggle room. Make it happen.
Fill their inboxes, and thereby FORCING an answer. It is as simple as the Formal Written Complaint. Anything less, in my educated opinion is just asking for more lip service. This lack of proper goverance in my opinion, has lead to more harmed students and the administration and staff circling the wagons to protect their paychecks and not the students. Let's end the negative cycle that apparently exists.

So, Lehighton, are you ready to fix this?
Are you ready to take responsibility? Are you ready to take the lead and FORCE your public servants to listen to common sense and take action?

Or, do you want to write petitions. Do you want to give the public officials free toilet tissue? Please write a Formal Written Complaint, ensuring a response and actions in the lawful best interest of the community?

I'd be happy to see an full inbox of tell all letter about the issues, providing parental transparency, removing the evil ones from wiggle room. You do not have to name names, and I recommend you do not. (Endless you are filing the complaint with the police on their form). Now all we need is the rest of the community to do the right thing and file Formal Written Complaints.

Please share these keys to peacefully reforming the broken system known to me as our government run public educational system.


Citizen David F. Bradley, Sr.

Statement are made in my individual capacity as a citizen and not as a duly elected School Director. The evil ones probably do not endorse sharing these methods that hold our government accountable to the electorate, but restoring a government of, by and for for the people takes people willing to speak up, and stop the silence and madness we have witnessed.
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MY STORY HERE IS REAL AND GENUINE. My name is Adams Vienna and i am here to testify about Great Mother who brought back my man to me when he broke up with me because of another woman who he met at his place of work. Great Mother is a very powerful, real and unique woman with special powers. I tried to get help from many places and sources to bring back my man but nothing worked but when i contacted Great Mother, she made me smile again by bringing my man back to me with her special powers.. If you are experiencing any problems in your marriage, relationship, and you have any similar problem to this, contact this Great Woman now she will help you. Here is her website:   and here is her email address:   and you can also contact her now on her own Whatsapp number: +17025514367 You can either contact her on her website, email or her whatsapp number. Thank you Great Mother.
MY STORY HERE IS REAL AND GENUINE. My name is Adams Vienna and i am here to testify about Great Mother who brought back my man to me when he broke up with me because of another woman who he met at his place of work. Great Mother is a very powerful, real and unique woman with special powers. I tried to get help from many places and sources to bring back my man but nothing worked but when i contacted Great Mother, she made me smile again by bringing my man back to me with her special powers.. If you are experiencing any problems in your marriage, relationship, and you have any similar problem to this, contact this Great Woman now she will help you. Here is her website:   and here is her email address:   and you can also contact her now on her own Whatsapp number: +17025514367 You can either contact her on her website, email or her whatsapp number. Thank you Great Mother.

MY STORY HERE IS REAL AND GENUINE. My name is Adams Vienna and i am here to testify about Great Mother who brought back my man to me when he broke up with me because of another woman who he met at his place of work. Great Mother is a very powerful, real and unique woman with special powers. I tried to get help from many places and sources to bring back my man but nothing worked but when i contacted Great Mother, she made me smile again by bringing my man back to me with her special powers.. If you are experiencing any problems in your marriage, relationship, and you have any similar problem to this, contact this Great Woman now she will help you. Here is her website:   and here is her email address:   and you can also contact her now on her own Whatsapp number: +17025514367 You can either contact her on her website, email or her whatsapp number. Thank you Great Mother.
So the community knows:

Thank you for contacting the Office of Attorney General Josh Shapiro. We received your e-mail regarding the assault of two children in your school district. We take all potential criminal matters very seriously. However, after consulting with our Criminal Division, the Attorney General’s office does not have the authority to investigate this case. For almost all criminal cases, your local district attorney’s office has the power to investigate and prosecute. That district attorney would have to specifically request that the Attorney General become involved in a case; until that happens, our office has no authority in this matter.
If you wish to contact them directly, you can do so using the following information:
Carbon County District Attorney’s Office
Michael Greek, District Attorney
PO Box 36
Jim Thorpe PA 18229
(570) 325-2718

You may also want to contact the Detective Tim Nothstein of the Carbon County DA’s office as well, you may contact him using the following information:
Detective Tim Nothstein

Additionally, if you have not done so already, we might also suggest reaching out to the Pennsylvania State Police. Troop N Barracks may be contacted at (570)459-3890.

For the parents of the children that were involved, they may want to consider consulting a lawyer about this issue. If they do not already have a lawyer, they can contact the Pennsylvania Bar Association’s Lawyer Referral Service at (717)238-6807 or toll-free at 1-800-692-7375. For additional information, they can visit their website
We wish you and your community the best in this matter.
So the community knows:

Thank you for contacting the Office of Attorney General Josh Shapiro. We received your e-mail regarding the assault of two children in your school district. We take all potential criminal matters very seriously. However, after consulting with our Criminal Division, the Attorney General’s office does not have the authority to investigate this case. For almost all criminal cases, your local district attorney’s office has the power to investigate and prosecute. That district attorney would have to specifically request that the Attorney General become involved in a case; until that happens, our office has no authority in this matter.
If you wish to contact them directly, you can do so using the following information:
Carbon County District Attorney’s Office
Michael Greek, District Attorney
PO Box 36
Jim Thorpe PA 18229
(570) 325-2718

You may also want to contact the Detective Tim Nothstein of the Carbon County DA’s office as well, you may contact him using the following information:
Detective Tim Nothstein

Additionally, if you have not done so already, we might also suggest reaching out to the Pennsylvania State Police. Troop N Barracks may be contacted at (570)459-3890.

For the parents of the children that were involved, they may want to consider consulting a lawyer about this issue. If they do not already have a lawyer, they can contact the Pennsylvania Bar Association’s Lawyer Referral Service at (717)238-6807 or toll-free at 1-800-692-7375. For additional information, they can visit their website
We wish you and your community the best in this matter.

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