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Lime Street project construction to begin

Published October 03. 2019 02:49PM

Construction on the Lime Street Connection Project is set to begin Monday. The road will connect Lime Street to Spring Street between Spring and Green streets.

Jessica Rehrig, the engineer for Bowmanstown, updated the borough council members on the project at their meeting Tuesday night. She said she met with Craig LaBarre, owner and operator of Portland Contractors Inc. in Portland, Pennsylvania, on Sept. 12 at the Lime Street site to coordinate the proposed location of fire hydrant with Water Authority. His company was hired to take care of the project.

Council President William Ravert said the fire hydrant should be installed later this week.

Rehrig also said she attended the pre-construction conference with the Carbon County Conservation District on Sept. 19, and conducted the pre-construction meeting at the Borough office on Sept. 26. Ankiewicz Enterprises Inc. in Tamaqua was awarded the contract for the construction project in August at a cost of $824,699.05.

In preparation for the project, Rehrig said she has prepared an application for an Erosion and Sedimentation permit to place the excess excavation from the Lime Street project at a site on Oak Street. The borough will submit the application to the Carbon County Conservation District.

The project is being funded in part by a Local Shares Grant (Liquid Fuels) and the state Multimodal Grant. The cost came in more than $171,000 over the grants, but the borough has $30,000 set aside for it. Rehrig told the council in August that the payments are done in unit pricing, so costs will come in as the project progresses. The council felt the plan would be financially manageable.

Once done, the speed limit for the connection will be 25 mph due to the geometry of the roadway. A stop sign will be placed at the bottom of the hill at Spring and Lime streets.

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