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Liquid fuel grant lowered for next year

Published October 16. 2019 12:10PM

The Coaldale Borough Council announced at last week’s meeting that the state lowered the liquid fuel grant for this upcoming year.

The liquid fuel money that the town receives is money that goes directly toward the reconstruction of the borough’s road system.

Despite the news, a member of the council had a positive report from this year’s road development.

“I would like to announce that we have fixed all but one street that we wanted to for this year,” Councilwoman Claire Remington said. “We have to look at all of the streets each year and decide which ones to fix based on the busyness of the street.”

The council is aware that Moser Avenue is a concern for the people of Coaldale. It was announced that it will be the first street to be done in 2020.

Moser Avenue has more than just pavement issues that need to be fixed. There are drainage issues. If streets are fixed now, they would have to be dug up again because they wouldn’t hold up.

“We want to do it the right way,” Remington said. “We are doing what we can, when we can.”

The council members appreciate the residents’ patience as street repairs hold top priority.

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