A look back: Feb. 19, 1991
Morris Brill of Pottsville was re-elected president of the board of directors of the Schuylkill County United Way. He has served on the UW board since 1985.
Other officers are Joseph Jones Jr., first vice president; Margaret Jaeger, second vice president; and Rick Willier, treasurer.
Frank Staudenmeier of Ashland was named to serve as general chairman of the 1992 campaign, which will see Chairman Fred Kline, Frank Umbriac, Terry Hoppes and Elbur Purnell handling the Tamaqua part of the campaign.
New members of the campaign are Darlene Dolzani of Schuylkill Haven, Al Martinez of Andreas, Tony Kurdilla of Frackville and Marcie Kelly of Shenandoah.