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Look before casting stones

Published March 12. 2018 11:35AM

I’m following with interest the recent travails of our school board President Larry Wittig. It is generally acknowledged that Mr. Wittig has done an outstanding job of leading our school board. This is borne out by his repeated re-elections to that position.

Now it’s come to pass that a youthful indiscretion has been revealed by a party just as equally culpable as Mr. Wittig. Why she chose to come forth after 30 years is anyone’s guess.

To his credit, Mr. Wittig has resigned from other boards and organizations to spare them, and himself, further embarrassment. And yet that seems not enough for some. They choose to ignore his years of work in the furthering of the school board’s accomplishments. They seem more interested in moralistic posturing over ancient history than what’s best for the school district. The district’s voters will have ample opportunity to cast judgment on Mr. Wittig.

In the meantime I urge those voicing moral outrage to coldly look back on their own lives and actions, especially in their younger years. Then let “he without sin cast the first stone.” I’m guessing if they are honest there will be precious little masonry flying.

Robert R. Beck Sr. West Penn Township

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