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Lower Towamensing supervisors hear drainage concerns

Published May 16. 2019 12:24PM

The rain was wearing thin on at least two residents in Lower Towamensing Township on Tuesday night. Before the regular business of the meeting got underway, Albert Serfass and then Jessie Bumberger both approached the supervisors upset about stormwater drainage problems on their properties and want the township to do something about it.

Serfass lives across from the football field next to the Palmerton Area High School on Fireline Road. He said stormwater runoff drains into his yard, because the blueprint for the water management wasn’t followed, and the stone that was laid isn’t helping.

“They’re deviating from the blueprint,” he said.

Bumberger, who lives on Stoney Ridge Road, said a pipe that was supposed to be installed under the supervision of the township’s roadmaster by an unlicensed contractor has actually made the water runoff situation worse on her property. She said the pipe hangs about 12 inches above the ground. The water runs faster through it and it hits the ground like a waterfall, causing more erosion.

“I want the tube removed,” she said. “I want the water to stop running on my property.”

The township engineer Greg Haas said the water problem has existed on the property for many years, and suggested putting in a 20-foot channel lined with large rock called riprap to slow the water flow, which would also reduce soil erosion.

“Are you agreeable to riprap?” Supervisor Ron Walbert asked.

“Who’s going to be in charge of cleaning it out?” Bumberger asked. She said she and her husband have tried to put large rock down to slow the water, but soil in the water is now covering the rocks.

Supervisors’ Chairman Brent Green said, “That is something we’ll look at.”

In other business

Eagle Scout candidate Shawn Gardner asked the supervisors if he could create a gaga dodgeball court at the Stoney Ridge Recreational Park for his Eagle Scout project. He said the game is something children could play while their siblings are playing team sports at the park.

“It’s a really fun game,” he said. “Every summer camp I’ve been to its overflowing with kids.”

The game is like dodgeball but within a circular court. The court Gardner wants to build would be 20 feet in diameter and would be located below the T-ball fields, he said. Gardner plans to begin fundraising for the project and seeking donations. He hopes to get it built this summer.

Walbert said he thought it would be good to have another activity at the park, and the other supervisors didn’t have any objections to the project. Green said the township and Recreation Committee would look over the proposed site and help him select the best spot for it, then the supervisors approved allowing Gardner to put in the court. Anyone who would like to help support the project should call 610-377-2709.

The supervisors also approved backing the Special Event Permit sought by Blue Mountain Resort for its annual Spartan Race set for July 13 and 14. The permit has to be submitted to the Pennsylvania Department of Transportation, but has to have the approval of the township before being submitted. The resort wants to change one of the entrance/exits to an exit only for the event.

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