Mahoning 4-H program recognized for rabies clinic
An Upper Macungie supervisor and member of the Pennsylvania State Association of Township Supervisors recently presented officers from Mahoning Valley Community 4-H Club with PSATS’ 2019 youth award.
The Mahoning 4-H was chosen for its work with a rabies clinic, which it helped host last year. Kathy Rader gave the award to Mahoning 4-H members at a board of supervisors of Mahoning meeting Wednesday night.
The group also received a $500 check.
The PSATS youth award “encourages greater youth involvement in township government,” according to the organization’s website. Mahoning 4-H was one of four youth groups chosen as recipients of the 2019 accolade.
Carbon Commissioners Wayne Nothstein, chairman, and Rocky Ahner also congratulated the Mahoning 4-H members at the meeting.
“One of the greatest programs in the world is 4-H,” Nothstein said. “It teaches them nothing but responsibility, and education, and leadership.”
On Thursday, the board of commissioners ratified a resolution recognizing the club’s achievement in the youth award contest.