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Mahoning Township to advertise no-parking ordinance

Published February 16. 2018 02:16PM

Mahoning Township’s board of supervisors approved the advertisement of a new no-parking ordinance during Wednesday’s meeting.

The ordinance will prohibit parking on Jamestown Drive starting at 70 feet from the intersection with Center Street and continuing around the bend adjacent to Lehighton Bible Church, ending on Jamestown Street. No parking signs will be placed on Jamestown Drive and at Jamestown Street 20 feet from the church’s driveway.

The 115-foot zone will help to alleviate parking issues in the area.

Roadmaster Nevin Frey still needs to evaluate the wording of the ordinance to ensure that it is correct, though board Chairman Franklin Ruch assured that the measure will pass.

In other business

Supervisor Bruce Steigerwalt announced that he had met with Dickinson Crane Service Company, which will be lifting beams into place for the Rex Road Bridge project, in order to discuss necessary adjustments before the tentative start date near the end of March.

Steigerwalt said that a representative from Dickinson explained that tree-trimming in the area would be necessary in order to operate the cranes to install the beams for the bridge.

Steigerwalt said, the construction company for the project, Gordon H. Baver, will have to contact the property owners of the area to the north side of the bridge in the near future.

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