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Mahoning Valley 4-H Club to meet

Published February 26. 2018 02:38PM

The Mahoning Valley 4-H Club is having its first meeting since November at 6 p.m. March 5 at the Mahoning Valley Ambulance building. This will be the meeting in which the youth sign up for the clubs they wish to participate in over the summer.

The possible projects are drab-to-fab (refurbishing), shooting sports, gardening, rabbit and cavy, outdoor cooking, geocaching, quilting and sewing.

Club members are currently collecting items to be auctioned to earn money to help rebuild the chapel by Normal Square in Mahoning. Auction setup will be on April 14, and the auction will be held April 15.

The Lions Dinner will be held from 4 to 7 p.m. March 20. Any youth ages 8 to 18 as of Jan. 1 are invited to attend the meeting and are welcome to join.

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