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Main Street Steering Committee to host Easter decoration contest

Published March 05. 2020 12:55PM

Lehighton is indeed getting all dressed up for Easter.

That would be by way of the 2020 Lehighton Main Street Decorating Contest.

Mark Hoffman, a member of the Lehighton Main Street Steering Committee, said the group’s Promotion subcommittee “has been challenged to showcase the town with its unique qualities and characteristics defining the downtown district as the center of the community by helping to create a resurgence of economic activity, while fostering a positive image and community pride.”

Hoffman said that to support the objective of the Promotion committee, the team decided to host a Lehighton 2020 Main Street Decorating Contest for the upcoming Easter holiday season.

“Members of the promotion committee have been doing their best to visit as many businesses as possible within the downtown business district to explain the initiative and to help build some excitement around it,” said Hoffman, who added they reported that over 80% of the businesses contacted were in full support of this promotion.

Saturday is the deadline for a business that decides to participate to make a contribution toward the gift basket that will be awarded to one lucky winner.

The voting begins on March 26 and ends on April 8.

“The idea behind the decorating contest is to get as many local residents and visitors to stop in and visit the unique shops, restaurants and businesses we have located in our beautiful downtown district,” Hoffman said. “By taking the time to view the decorations and perhaps stepping inside the many shops, they will have the ability to cast their vote based on which business they feel has the nicest decorations based on their individual taste.”

Thanks to the generosity of the businesses, Hoffman said there will be a basket awarded to one lucky winner who takes the time to vote for their favorite business decorations.

In order for a business to participate in the 2020 Lehighton Main Street decorating contest, they will be asked to make a contribution toward the basket. When the contribution is made, the business will receive paper ballots to display in its store.

Hoffman said there are three ways to vote for a favorite display. Besides voting by paper ballot, from March 26 to April 8 they can also cast their vote online using SurveyMonkey by going to, or by emailing

“The business that is chosen as the winner will receive a beautiful hand painted plaque painted by Lehighton artist Beth Franks,” he said. “The plaque will be engraved with the winning business name and year of the contest.”

As an added bonus, Hoffman said the winning business will get to pick a different 2021 holiday when a 2021 Lehighton Main Street decorating contest will take place, and the hand painted plaque will then be passed on to next year’s winner.

On April 10, he said the winner of the basket and winning business will be announced on the Lehighton Main Street Facebook page.

Hoffman said that on April 13 the winner of the basket and winning business will be introduced live during a Lehighton Magazine Podcast featuring Keith Hines on Colossal Radio, First Street, Lehighton at 7 p.m.

“The Main Street Steering Committee, and in this case the Promotion Committee, will continue to keep looking for ways and opportunities to bring vitality and growth to our downtown district,” he said. “However, to make anything the success it needs to be, it will be important for everyone to support these events, and in return you will be supporting your town.”

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