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Making a splash at 4-H camp

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    Meeting new people and making friends are just some of what lies ahead at 4-H camp. PHOTO COURTESY METRO CREATIVE

Published April 01. 2019 12:50PM

Boys and girls ages 8-15 (as of Jan. 1, 2019) residing in Carbon County are invited to join the fun and attend 4-H Camp.

4-H Camp is part of the beautiful Seven Mountains Scout Camp in Spring Mills. The fee covers lodging, meals, medical insurance, workshop materials, T-shirt, and transportation to and from the camp.

Camp runs June 24 through June 28 and promises to be a week of fun.

Campers will meet new people, learn about nature, make a craft, get challenged at paddle boarding, kayaking, or playing human foosball, participate in campfires, swim at the pool and lots more.

The theme for the week is “Making a Splash.”

Seven Mountains Scout Camp consists of two cabin areas, each with multiple bunk beds, indoor toilets and common sitting area. Campers of similar age and gender will be housed together. Trained counselors will be housed in cabin areas and will supervise all activities.

A camp director, 4-H Youth Development Extension staff, nurse and adult volunteer chaperones will be present at all times.

If you are interested in this camping experience for your child or for more information on 4-H, contact the Carbon County 4-H office at 570-325-2788.

Registration is due by May 13.

Administered in Pennsylvania by Penn State Extension, 4-H is a community of more than 6 million young people across America learning leadership, citizenship and life skills. Penn State Extension 4-H youth development educators in all 67 counties throughout the commonwealth administer local 4-H programs through nonformal education and outreach. To find your local program, visit the Penn State Extension website at

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