Medicare education programs planned
Are you new to Medicare or need help choosing the right plan for you?
Carbon County Area Agency on Aging will be holding two free educational programs to help you best understand what you need. The programs will be held from 3 to 4:30 p.m. on Feb. 19 and 5:30 to 7 p.m. on Feb. 24 at the community room in St. Luke’s Lehighton Campus.
Topics of discussion will include getting started on Medicare; Parts A, B, C and D; how and when to enroll; choosing the right health and prescription drug coverage; avoiding penalties; getting help with payment and supplemental insurance policies.
Reservations are required by calling the Area Agency on Aging at 800-441-1315.
This is an official APPRISE program of the Pennsylvania Department of Aging.
1. Currently suing to remove Pre-existing Medical Conditions - Protect the Health Insurance Industry. You know he loves to protect Big Business.
And by the way Republicans have been talking about changing Medicare and Social Security for years. Better pay attention folks.
2. Next Plan: Cut into Medicare and Social Security Benefits/Payments to help the National Debt that he caused by giving Tax Cuts to the Wealthy.
Gotta Love those Trumpiesta Supporters!