Monroe church appeals ruling of assessment board that its properties are taxable
A Monroe County church has appealed the ruling of the county’s board of assessment that it must pay property taxes on its building and land.
The Independence Law Center filed the appeal on behalf of Calvary Chapel of Stroudsburg. The church is claiming it is not subject to paying property taxes on its building and land because of state law and the state constitution which provides that places of worship are not subject to taxation.
In a press release from the Independence Law Center, it is stated that on Jan. 10, the county demanded that Calvary Chapel pay taxes on the church’s property, in part because the county requires exemption paperwork to be filed by Aug. 1.
The church asked the county how to get the exemption and was instructed by the county to come back after they purchased the property, it is alleged.
The church claims in its action that no one from the county tax office told them that the deadline would run the day after they purchased the property.
The press release states, in part, “Out of respect for the independence of religious entities, Pennsylvania exempts churches and other places of worship from property taxes. This is for good reason, as those who are exempted under the law are nonprofit entities who provide value and service to the community. The Monroe County Board of Assessment Revision’s decision to tax a church is contrary to law and deprives the church of funds with which it would otherwise serve the community,” said Curtis Schube, legal counsel for the Independence Law Center.
The appeal will now be scheduled before a county judge.