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Monroe Courthouse reopens after second bomb threat in two days

Published October 02. 2018 03:19PM

The Monroe County Sheriff’s office announced that the courthouse would reopen at 2:30 after being evacuated after a 9:45 a.m. call came in to the County Control Center.

The female caller said three bombs were located in the basement of the courthouse and disconnected the call.

This call came just one day after another call from a female caller, claiming that there were four bombs in the courthouse causing the building to be evacuated.

Tuesday marks the seventh such call this year that has caused the courthouse to be closed and swept for explosives.

Monroe County Sheriff Todd Martin the impact of Tuesday’s call was worse than Monday’s, as jury selection was scheduled.

“We had 300 jurors that we had to get out of the building,” said Martin. “Since about 2:15 we have had them lined up in the rain getting them back into the courthouse.”

Martin said everyone is frustrated.

“The judges are frustrated, the local businesses, the jurors, employees,” he said. “Everyone is frustrated. And in addition we have all of this extra traffic in town, road construction and we have to block off the roads around the courthouse causing a traffic nightmare.”

Martin said that like Monday, the Pennsylvania State Police brought in three K-9s to help with the sweep of the building. Once again, nothing was found.

“We will always err on the side of safety,” Martin said. “We have cameras all over the building, and you can feel comfortable that it’s safe, but there is always a chance that it’s not and we are not willing to take that chance.”

Martin has a message for the callers.

“We may not get you today or tomorrow, but we will. When we find out who is responsible they will be arrested and if found guilty they can be made to pay restitution for all of this. That includes the lost time for employees, the cost of the searches, everything.”

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