To my Democratic friends
The stance of many newscasters and politicians concerning the “resist everything Trump” movement is unimaginable. Under the guise of progressive, the left-leaning globalist Democratic Party and RINOS endorse and adopt ideas so contrary to the rule of law that you question if sanity has been replaced by insanity and if intelligence and justice has been replaced with stupidity and corruption.
Under the deceitful banner of “progressive” exist globalist, socialist democratic leaders support illegal immigration, late-term abortions, harvesting organs and deny American citizens free speech and the right to bear arms.
The new left-leaning “progressives” view nationalism and patriotism as a disease; they support silencing conservatives, sanctuary cities, and a country without borders. They wallow in the cesspool of disrespecting everything national; they disrespect the Pledge of Allegiance, the national anthem, the president, the constitution and the flag.
The “new progressives” support no credentials to vote, attacking conservatives with the IRS, and believe removing statues will rewrite history. Christianity is not exemption proven by attacks on Sisters of the Poor, Hobby Lobby and Chick-fil-A. Political correctness run amok is their new calling card.
This abbreviated list does not do justice to the damage caused by the socialist/progressive democratic movement. The accepted heart of the democratic left epitomizes government out of control and governmental control over personal choice.
To my democratic friends — the Democratic Party of yesteryear is DEAD. Today’s Democrats have no resemblance to the proud party of the past. When haters become party leaders and the rule of law is abandoned, the very concept of life, liberty and the pursuit of happiness is threatened.
President Donald Trump is not perfect — was Obama? But he deeply cares about making America better for Americans. The choice between an imperfect Republican Party and the socialist/progressives hate everything national for me is easy.
Martin Luther King said “nothing in the world is more dangerous than sincere ignorance and conscientious stupidity.” Let’s vote for a future where our children and grandchildren can debate ideas and differences based on merit so they and their children can live in not just a better America, but a better world.
Terry Watto
Clinton gave us NAFTA, and he was a horrible roll model. Democrats went from a Party for Jobs, to the Party for Mobs. I am proud of Donald J. Trump POTUS.
You represent well Legion... Is that you legion?