Nesquehoning joining county alert system
Nesquehoning residents, the borough needs help gathering your information for a one-call system that will allow the town to keep everyone informed of projects, road closures, water issues and weather emergencies.
Last week, borough council moved forward on sending out contact forms for the CodeRED system.
CodeRED is operated through Carbon County and is an essential tool for community residents to get information such as weather emergencies, power outages, water main breaks and more on their phone or by email.
Nesquehoning has the opportunity to use this system on a boroughwide scale. It could be used for snow parking, snow emergencies, water main breaks and shut-offs, changes in the trash pickup schedule and more.
Council asks that once residents receive the form, they fill it out and return it to the borough as soon as possible so the information can be put into a centralized call list.
The CodeRED system is optional, but beneficial, council said.
For example, the borough water authority on Thursday, announced that residents may see discoloration in their water supply over the next few days as a result of projects on the water tank and lines in the town. This could be one way the borough utilizes the CodeRED system.