NL superintendent to attend conference in Switzerland and Italy
The head of Northern Lehigh School District will experience some international flavor when he attends a conference overseas this summer.
Superintendent Matthew Link has been approved to participate in a professional development trip to Switzerland and Italy as part of the 2020 PASA Annual Global Professional Development Scholarship in July.
Director Donna Kulp lauded Link on the achievement, adding that she thinks it’s “wonderful he’s representing Northern Lehigh.”
After the meeting, Link said the opportunity came courtesy of a competitive scholarship offered in conjunction by the Pennsylvania Association of School Administrators, of which he is a member, and their partner EF Education Tours.
“I was recommended to apply for the PASA Annual Global Professional Development Program back in early November,” Link said. “This professional learning opportunity is a chance for administrators from Pennsylvania to join a cohort of fellow administrators from New York, Ohio and Michigan on a tour through Northern Italy (Milan and Venice) and in Davos, Switzerland, to participate in the Global Leadership Summit.”
Link said he submitted the online application in November, and was called for a telephone interview a few weeks later.
“During the application process, I focused my responses on how wellness goes beyond just sports, athletics and physical well-being,” he said. “I highlighted the importance of mental wellness through relationship building and how that can set the stage for success in many areas, such as academics, athletics, arts and in the workplace.”
In mid-December, Link said he was notified by the PASA Executive Director that he was one of three administrators from Pennsylvania selected to receive the scholarship, as another superintendent and a director of curriculum and instruction were also selected.
He said the experience will take place from July 12-21, with a summit theme of “The Impact of Sports & Wellness” to life and education, while connecting Link with other administrators from both the United States and other countries in Europe for thoughtful reflection, leadership development and hands-on learning.
“At the summit, I will join educators and students from across North America and Europe for a three-day leadership conference,” Link said. “While on a professional learning track designed specifically for educators, I will hear from world-renowned speakers on “The Impact of Sports & Wellness,” attend expert-led workshops, and help students develop skills like creativity and collaboration as they work in small international teams to propose solutions to a global challenge.”
While the list of speakers for July has not been released, Link said previous summit speakers have included Jane Goodall, Al Gore, and Sir Ken Robinson. The tour continues to Northern Italy, where they will continue exploring the theme through hands-on learning experiences and facilitated conversations.
“My hope is to learn how other school districts from the United States and education systems from European countries are supporting their students and staff in multiple areas of wellness,” he said. “I also look forward to sharing the work we are doing in Northern Lehigh related to mental health wellness, trauma informed care and relationship building.
“It is a true honor to be selected, and I will do my best to represent Northern Lehigh and Pennsylvania in the manner they both deserve.”
I hope we can agree that, communism is a threat to our nation. Communism provides employment, housing, and education, with no room for competition. Communism is simply the extreme end of socialism. Therefore, communism is now an acceptable form of government for many Americans.
John Dewey, “the father of modern education.” was a dedicated socialist and a member of many Marxist organizations. He taught the Professors who taught the teachers. The NEA holds Dewey in highest esteem. Did you know that the NEA (1936) announced, “We stand for socializing the individual.”
Look up NEA Paul Haubner. He claimed, "The schools cannot allow parents to influence the kind of values-education their children receive in school, that is what is wrong with those who say there is a universal system of values. Our goals are incompatible with theirs. We must change their values." Look it up!
In 1934, Executive Secretary of the NEA had this to say…
“An equitable distribution of income will be sought…the major function of the school is the social orientation of the individual. It must seek to give him understanding of the transition to a new social order.” (in a report presented at the 72nd annual meeting of the NEA in 1934.)
Look up the Fabian Society.
Do you think the Public School did a good job explaining the electoral college, or, why we are called a Democratic Representative Republic? Do I have a choice in funding these centers of indoctrination?
Wake up!
The downfall of the United States rests on shoulders like yours
Because Progressives have been at the helm of education for the past one hundred years.
Where did the progressive influence come from and when?
Why hasn't our Public Schools better prepared their students? Money? We spend more than any other country. It's not working, and more money isn't the answer. When you throw money at something run by the government, the money never really gets to the intended target. Get the government out of education. Privatize and allow competition. Your post supports my claim that what we have been doing, has not been working.