No bids for plowing
Maybe it’s a sign.
During a workshop meeting Aug. 8, the Schuylkill County Commissioners voted to advertise for plowing and hauling of snow and ice, along with salting and cindering, of county parking lots. Bids were due Aug. 28, but no bids were received.
“Maybe we’re planning not to have snow this year,” County Administrator Gary Bender said, explaining why no bid opening was held before the meeting. The county will rebid the work.
In other action, the commissioners approved the sale of surplus vehicles from Schuylkill Transportation System. The vehicles will be sold by bidding, with advertisements published Sept. 9 and 16, bids due Sept. 30 and awarded Oct. 9.
The vehicle sale list includes 5 E450 CDL vans and 4 Gillig 35-foot buses, all listed in fair condition, and one E450 van with a blown engine and one E450 van which was in a crash. Vehicles are sold “as is” with no warranty.
On behalf of the grant writer’s office, the commissioners approved a change in the use of Community Development Block Grant funds in West Penn Township. The remaining funds from the 2015 park project and 2016 housing rehabilitation program will be used to remove handicap barriers in the police station annex and install automatic doors on the township building.