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The time is flying by

Published August 04. 2012 09:01AM

It is hard to believe it is the beginning of August. Where is the year going so quickly?

When I was young, I never believed my folks when they told me how fast the years fly when you get older. Now I am starting to understand that as I watch the months fly past. My little one is four and a half years old and getting ready for another year of preschool.

Soon autumn will be creeping into view and the summer of 2012 will fade into memory, but not just yet. We still have at least one more good month of summer left with its fairs and picnics so let us make the most of those summer days.

One of the most humorous stories found in this week's news was the evacuation of a building by Swiss police after a frightened employee called in an alarm stating that a giant bird eating spider was in the company's conference room. The cops quickly responded with a dangerous animal expert in tow, but after being on site for a few minutes they quickly realized the eight legged menace was a plastic toy.

No charges were filed since the caller really believed it was a real arachnid, but employees spent 20 minutes in a conference room being lectured by officers who did not really find the whole thing amusing.

Hopefully some of you have had a chance to catch "The Dark Knight Rises" in local theaters in the last few weeks. For those fellow Dark Knight fans, here are the answers to the little quiz I gave in last week's column. Score yourself and see how you did.

1. Thomas and Martha Wayne were killed in Crime Alley while taking a shortcut home with young Bruce by an unnamed criminal (at that time). Bruce's father was a doctor.

2. The 1960s series Joker was portrayed by Cesar Romero. The Latin actor refused to shave his moustache so they covered it with white face paint. On the big screen, the Joker was portrayed by Jack Nicholson in 1989 and the late Heath Ledger in 2008 in "The Dark Knight".

3. Star Wars actor Mark Hamill gave a voice to the Joker in the animated series that have been televised since the late 1990s. Who said Luke doesn't dabble in the Dark Side?

4. The movie actor Frank Gorshin is the one most associated with the villainous Riddler (and my favorite portrayer), but the Adams Family patriarchal portrayer John Astin also took a few turns portraying the enigmatic villain in the series.

5. This is an easy one for die-hard fans of the series. Batman's sidekick Robin was killed by the Joker during the novel "The Killing Joke"

6. The purr-fect feline felon was portrayed by nightclub performer Eartha Kitt. Julie Newmar and Lee Meriwether were also actresses who brought the Catwoman to life.

7. Detective Comics number 27.

8. These insane felons along with many others including Clayface and the Mad Hatter would be found inside the tortured halls of Arkham Asylum.

9. The villains who did not rise to the level of insanity like Bane, Penguin and others would be located in Blackgate Prison.

10. The traditional origin story relates that the criminal who became the Joker did so when Batman chased him into Ace Chemicals where the con fell into a vat of caustic chemicals that disfigured the poor soul in both mind and face creating the Clown Prince of Crime.

11. Two Face is predisposed to thinking of the duality of everything and he reduces all his decisions to a flip of his two faced coin which determines his decision. The heads side is unblemished and is a good sign, but if he flips a tail which shows a disfigured head, the victim usually dies.

How did you do? If you got all 16 answers you are the Dark Knight Historian. If you got 13-15 correct consider yourself the Bat Signal monitor; 10-12 correct makes you Alfred's understudy; 7-9 correct consider yourself a Robin in Training; 4-6 correct is a flat foot patrolman; 1-3 correct is a police cadet who wouldn't know the Caped Crusader if he fell over him.

I hope you enjoyed this little summer diversion inspired by the last part of this Batman trilogy. Did you do as well as you thought? Batman is just one of those fascinating superheroes who has no special powers but he appeals to the vigilante in us that wants to see justice prevail. Here's to you Caped Crusader.

Til next time …

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